An email that was just sent out to YX furloughs
Hello Midwest Pilots
Thank you so much for your interest in our First Officer position with AirTran Airways! The response has been overwhelming, hence the reason I am contacting you versus Stephanie Grantham. She sends her apologies but wanted me to get back with you so that you are not waiting on her in suspense!
Yes, the First Officer position was posted on Friday evening and was taken down on Sunday evening. We did this so that the pilots who are scheduled for our February class could update their application. If you applied, then yes, your information is documented and will remain in the system.
We will post the First Officer position again in the near future because we will have a March class and those pilots too, will need to update their information in the system. After the March class, there are no other classes scheduled (as of now…).
We are encouraged with our February and March new hire classes and hope that will be a jump start to future classes. When the pilot hiring window begins, you can be sure that the position will be posted a lot longer than a weekend! Also, if you are in contact with a AirTran Airways line pilot, the Chief Pilot’s Office will send an announcement to all line pilots so that they too can inform you that our pilot hiring window is open.
I hope that clears up any confusion out there. Again, we appreciate your interest in AirTran Airways and look forward to future pilot opportunities.