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Air INC and Aviation Interviews

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New member
Mar 15, 2007
Hello there,

Could anyone tell me wether or not it really makes a difference going to one of those job seminars if trying to get on with SWA? Has anyone gotten an interview with SWA that way?

I got interviews with Cathay Pacific, SWA, ASA, and AA Eagle all within a week of going to a seminar in LAX in 2004.

Good info for the most part and great contacts. I don't think I would join Air Inc again as the books are outdated as soon as you get them. However, Aeroservice in Miami gave me a $500 discount on my type rating for being an Air Inc member which covered the cost of joining.
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I think the computer has the ultimate call on who gets called for an interview. With that said if your name is fresh on their minds I don't think that would hurt if they happened to pull your app up and your numbers are above mins. Bottom line is who knows. As for Air Tran that is everything for them. I received a call for an interview within 2 weeks of being back from one and I had NOBODY pulling for me on the inside. It took only two days for the JetBlue interview call to come as well. That one may have been helped by going to their open house on Feb 17th. NetJets aslo sent the application package within a week as the head of pilot recruiting was there. I think going helps at most companies but matters least at SWA when comparing.

I would also take this opportuinty to put in a plug for going to WAI (Women in Aviation International). I know, all of you can laugh if you want. It is cheaper than Air INC, more companies send the higher ups from their HR depts, if you are male then the scenery is a lot nicer but most importantly you will get remembered more because you were one of a few men there as opposed to one of thousands at Air Inc, and you braved a conference geared towards women in order to meet people from (insert whatever airline you want in here). And yes FedEx, UPS etc are always there as well. Best of luck!

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