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Air Defense Identificaton zone

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2006
Hey everyone,

I fly out of the Baltimore/Washington ADIZ (Air Defense Identification zone). Yes it is really a pain, but we just have to deal with it. Anyway, when I was a private pilot, I accidently sqwuaked 1200 which is a big no no in the adiz. It actually happens all the time. I imediately filled out a nasa form. Serveral months later i recieved notification from the FAA that an investigation was under way with the incident and if found guilty, my license would be suspended for 30 days. Since I had proof that I filed a nasa form the penalty was waived, and no suspension action was taken. I believe that there is still some sort of incident on my license though. I was wondering if anyone knows how the nasa forms work as far as that goes. Will my license records show "enforcement action taken " or just something along those lines? I have a really big interview coming up and I was just wondering if any of you out there had any advice on how to tell the interviewers that I had the incident but my license was not suspended, and also if my record will show that i filed a nasa report. Thanks in advance for your help.
Yes a violation still appears on your record, the NASA form doesn't get you out of that. I believe the record will show that you filed a NASA form but I'm not 100% positive. If you want to see exactly what's on your record you can request a copy from the FAA for a couple bucks.
About 5 years ago I sent a letter with all the identifying information on my certificate requesting copies of my airman certification records and a $10 check to:

Airman Certification Branch
Federal Aviation Administration
P. O. Box 25082
Oklahoma City, OK 73125

Phone is (405) 954-3261.

I received an acknowledgment letter from the Manager, Airmen Certification Branch who told me the records would be requested and a refund of $6.10 would be sent as the cost(at that time) was only $3.90.

I later received letters from the Managers of the Aviation Data Systems Branch and the Aeromedical Certification Division saying that they had no records of enforcement actions, yada, yada. They included photocopies of all my applications for certificates and/or ratings, temporary certificates, etc. The medical file included all the applications for the past 3 years.

I suspect the FAA knows the contents of your NASA ASRS reports but am pretty sure nothing about them will be put in your records. Not positive though but based on my experience.
Last I heard they were using the NASA forms against you in these situations. I fly daily out of BWI, and I dont mean to hi-jack your thread, but is there anything that says you HAVE to call them when you land? I couldn't find anything in the FAR's regarding this. I've hard stories of people not calling and never hearing a single thing about it again even months later. Good Luck with things.
Nope, no legal requirement that you call them when they ask you to. In fact many people a lot more knowledgeable on the subject than me have suggested that you never call when asked.
I had an accident a while ago, so when I interviewed with Regionals I went ahead and got all my records. Any accidents, incidents, enforcements on your certificate will not show up where you get your regular records. The place to look for enforcements is Aviation Data Systems Branch AFS-620 PO Box 25082 Oklahoma City, OK 73125. That was free.
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Thanks for all of your replys. I wish I did not call when I landed, but I was only a private pilot so I just wanted to comply. I am now an instructor and I have recieved calls from the FAA at our flight school wanting to confirm the pilot of an airplane on a specific date for ADIZ violations. They always seem to have the name because its on the ADIZ flight plan they have to file, unless they accidently wandered into the ADIZ. So I guess even if you dont call they may sitll have your name. Anyway, thanks again for your help.

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