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aerial surveying position

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no shirt no shoes no dice
Jan 2, 2006
I've got a fellow aerial survey pilot who asked tonight if I know of anyone interested in a job that will result in 250+ hours/yr PIC in a Partenavia.

The position is for camera operator BUT the CP is a MEI as well and wants to find someone who is interested in initially building multi- time enroute to likely end up as a full-time pilot once insurance requirements have been met and a position is open. He said this IS NOT a seat-warmer position, whomever he hires will be flying left seat. This is a perfect position for a young pilot looking for other marketable job skills to supplement their pilot skills.

The company is based in Central Alabama. On average, trips are 4~6 days, occasionally 10~12 days and about three ~20 day trips each year. This is cutting-edge equipment in a growing industry. Excellent per-diem and benefits. He wants someone with instrument and commercial multi-.

PM me for the contact info.
Aerial Surveying Position

I would be interested in the aerial surveying position. I am currently waiting on my checkride for multi with 26 hours in a duchess and 437 TT, 364 PIC, 84 instrument, 57 night, and 113 cross country in C152, C172, Cherokee, Arrow and Sierra. I am a 42 year old returning student with 20 hours to complete by BS in Aviation Science through UVSC's on-line degree program and need to complete 720 hours of co-operative work experience for my degree also. Please contact me at [email protected] for resume and any further information.

Thank you
Scott Patterson
I am interested I have: (Age 23)
Bachelor of Science, Aviation Technology--Professional Pilot (May 2006)
Certified Flight Instructor Certificate
Advance Ground Instructor Certificate
Commercial Pilot Certificate: Airplane Multi-Engine Land with Instrument
FAA Class I Medical Certificate: Excellent health, non-smoker
CFII Certificate (April 2006)
Total/PIC Time………….380/275
Actual/Simulated Instrument…8/70
Multi-Engine (BE76)...….41

Thank You
Syed Ahsan
[email protected]
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position Filled
This is probably in really bad taste, and I don't mean it to be as politically-incorrect as it will probably sound, but I read Manazir's real name, followed by the curt "position filled" immediately after, and all I could think about was that old cartoon as kid with the Middle-Eastern swordsman yelling "Hasan chop!"

OK, it was dumb but I cracked up for a good 30 seconds. Just thought I'd share and see if anyone else remembered that...
FlyingSkip said:
This is probably in really bad taste, and I don't mean it to be as politically-incorrect as it will probably sound, but I read Manazir's real name, followed by the curt "position filled" immediately after, and all I could think about was that old cartoon as kid with the Middle-Eastern swordsman yelling "Hasan chop!"

OK, it was dumb but I cracked up for a good 30 seconds. Just thought I'd share and see if anyone else remembered that...

I tried to delete or edit my original post, but cannot as the admins have set the edit time for 48 hours.
People like you (FlyingSkip) give America a bad name; I don’t know what kind of example you will set for your kids. You should be ashamed of your self because racism has no place in aviation.
Quit your whining---I thought you had the decency to call me names one-on-one on the PM you sent me, but then see you do it here in front of God and Country---oh yeah, we have different God's and different Countries so it doesn't matter. I didn't have anything against you, as I explained in my PM but now will for everyone ELSE's benefit, but now I just think you're a moron. It was a dumb joke based on a 20 or 30 year old Bugs Bunny cartoon that I laughed at as a memory. No intent, and I even tried to say up front that it wasn't meant as a stab at you. But, ya wanna take it that way, go ahead. I'm sure if you call enough people back home you can have them burning American flags with my picture on them in the streets in no time.

Sheesh. I guess that whole "Desert Storm" thing to help Arabic people regain their freedom was just a front cuz I'm obviously such a racist. Grow up, get a life and get off your high horse. Talk to me when you know the front of the airplane from the back end.

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