I believe most "fixed" wing air ambulance companies are mostly on demand part 135. Most of them have CP's and DO's who dont give a crap about anything in your life.... The only thing they care about is keeping the planes flying (which I know is there job). That being said...... stepping stone job, with great international experience, and great overall experience; YES. A job for the long term; we all are different; but for me it was a NO. Being on a pager or cell phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week is not a way to live your life forever. Most of them will not honor days off. Most of them will not allow you to schedule a weekend off, most of them are just scumbag operators.
I look back at the air ambulance and appreciate it every day. It made me a better pilot, gave me great experience flying around the world, It makes me respect every "Lifeguard" I hear signing on in the middle of the night; and it makes me appreciate what I have now.
If you are happy with your "secure job" now; I would not recommend leaving it.....
Dang DA50, you must have worked for a real dirtbag operation! My experience is quite different. We have excellent jet equipment, have 4 hard days off every week, great job security and the company really cares about their employees.
Sorry you had such a bad air med experience, but I can assure the readers that as for my experience, this is the exception and not the rule.