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ADIZ buster plea bargains ... gimme a break!

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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2002
[font=ARIAL,HELVETICA]10-month suspension for pilot who violated D.C. airspace[/font]


Pennsylvania pilot Hayden "Jim" Sheaffer will be kept out of the left seat for at least 10 months for violating the heavily restricted airspace around the nation's capital May 11. Late Tuesday evening, Sheaffer and his attorney reached an agreement with the FAA on the revocation of his pilot certificate. In exchange for dropping his appeal of that revocation, the FAA will allow him to reapply for his certificate in 10 months, rather than 12. (One year is usually standard following an emergency revocation. See AOPA's Overview of FAA Enforcement).

Sheaffer was scheduled to appear before an NTSB administrative law judge Wednesday and Thursday to appeal that emergency revocation.

The FAA was prepared to call various government and private witnesses to support its allegation that Sheaffer lacked "the qualifications necessary to hold an airman certificate." In its eight-page emergency revocation action against Sheaffer, the FAA said that he failed to properly prepare for the flight from Smoketown, Pennsylvania, to Lumberton, North Carolina. He wandered into the Washington, D.C., Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) and to within three miles of the White House before intercepting F-16s and a Blackhawk helicopter managed to divert the Cessna 150 to Maryland's Frederick Municipal Airport outside the ADIZ.

"Your operation of civil aircraft N5826G under these circumstances demonstrates either a complete disregard or lack of understanding of basic requirements for the safe operation of aircraft," the revocation letter said. The FAA contended Sheaffer failed to conduct basic preflight planning, did not obtain an official briefing, became disoriented shortly after taking off, and didn't follow appropriate procedures after being intercepted inside the ADIZ.

Under the agreement with the FAA, Sheaffer can regain his pilot certificate after 10 months provided he passes new practical and knowledge exams (a "written" and a "flight check"). "I think it's a fair settlement, " Sheaffer's attorney, Mark McDermott, told the Washington Post. "My client is interested in promoting safety, so he has elected not to fight it and go through retraining. He'll get back to flying as soon as possible."

The FAA took no action against student pilot Troy Martin, who was actually at the controls, because Sheaffer was the only one who could have been pilot in command (although the FAA also contended that Sheaffer wasn't current to carry a passenger).

OK, aside from having absolutely zero common sense, this guy has no sense of shame.

After violating several basic FARs (like failing to review his route of flight and carrying an illegal passenger), forcing the evacuation of a major part of the government and saddling the taxpayer with how-many-ever thousands of dollars it takes to scramble F-16s and a Blackhawk, he's going to be able to reapply for his license two months earlier than normal because the government wants to avoid an appeal! Why did the feds cave on this?

If Sheaffer was really interested in "promoting safety" like his lawyer says, he'd stay on the ground.

The only way this moron should be allowed to fly again is if someone ties a rope to his C150 so he can't leave the pattern.
I saw this man on the "Today" show a few weeks back---he did show a little himble pie; truly.
Why I admit that he shouldn't have been where he was (and can't help but wonder how he didn't realize he was there), I cannot believe that the government evacuated people form D.C. the way they did. Those folks were literally RUNNING FOR THEIR LIVES because of a little Cessna.
I read/saw an article that said the pilot of the fighter would not have shot him down. The article also mentioned that the Cessna weighs less than the artillery bomb that the fighter can drop.
Cool stuff.

you're right that the governmet response was pathetic and embarrassing, but as I understood it, they didn't know right away that it was a 150.

Kind of makes you wonder. I mean, if two dopes in a 150 could get unintentionally get that close to downtown DC, what could a savvy guy in a Navajo or Pilatus do?

I don't want to see any more restrictions placed on GA (I live and fly in the Washingon ADIZ), but in my humble little opinon, it seems the current rules are more of a nuisance to law-abiding pilots and less of an obstacle to a real-live terror threat, if there's one out there.
So that's where all the savvy pilots have gone to! NavaHoes and Platypusses....geez, I thought they all fell off the face of the earth.....
spitfire1940 said:
Kind of makes you wonder. I mean, if two dopes in a 150 could get unintentionally get that close to downtown DC, what could a savvy guy in a Navajo or Pilatus do?

Recall that a savy suicide type managed to impact the White House with his 150(152?) a few years back.
to quote Joe Dirt, ya'll are focusing on the wrong part of the story.

What I meant was that someone with evil intentions, a heavier airplane and knowledge could pose a real threat (ie, the 9-11 hijackers). Navajos and Palatypuses were just examples of GA planes taken off the top of my head.

Never mind.

My original point: Sheaffer is getting off with a slap on the wrist. Guys like him, and their lawyers, are a disservice to the entire pilot community.
Looks like he got a 2 month break. Reapply in 10 months instead of a full year. Would anyone like to bet he fails he first attempt? I'm sure the FAA will require an Inspector evaluate his ride, and not a DE.
Traderd said:
Recall that a savy suicide type managed to impact the White House with his 150(152?) a few years back.

Also recall that it didn't kill anybody but its pilot. A small Cessna is no more danger than any other vehicle in D.C.
CA1900 said:
Also recall that it didn't kill anybody but its pilot. A small Cessna is no more danger than any other vehicle in D.C.

Understood. Agreed.

I only mentioed the event in reference to Spitfire1940's remark concerning what a determined individual in a larger GA aircraft might be able to accomplish. I don't harbor any illusions concerning the impact small GA aircraft could have in a strategic or tactical sense. And I would agree that they would make a poor choice of delivery medium for most any kind of weapon of terror, NBorC.
Though any small aircraft could carry a tactical (suitcase-sized) nuke, or enough "dirty bomb" nuke material, or enough anthrax or other bio agent to do quite a number on any downtown area. The cleanup alone could take months.

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