Hey, I've already told you that I don't want you to go, I always hate to see the good ones go, but understand why you would.
Good luck to ya and don't forget the freq...
Sad to hear soooooo many people so down on the people at HQ, We're not all bad around here....
Good luck to you and the family!!!
Dont worry I will not be getting a cold! I'm getting paranoid that something is going to go wrong before I leave, it's just my luck.
You know: get run into by a fuel truck, bust an altitude by a couple thousand feet, rub a wing on a fence, tell certain people exactly what I think of them, etc.
Three hard flying days left to keep dodging the bullets and 4 reserve days to get fokkerd about.
It's the missus' birthday tomorrow and I know I am going to get the call and not make dinner, only thing is if they have to travel me home on tuesday I am going to run into a 7 day problem, he he he!
av8n, 9 out of ten of you down there are great, but there is that one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And chper, I may have missed a joke but I believe it is CHARMIN.
220 miles to Atlanta (or is it '3000 miles to Graceland'). Start Thursday, can't wait. Interesting drive today, started with $2.20/gal in NY on I-87 to $1.82/gal here in So. Car. -- 840 miles.
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