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ACA -- what is going on?

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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2002
Has anyone heard anything about ACA? I have an interview with them coming up in Dec. I have heard all kindf of rumors but nothing concrete.
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Scroll down the list to the ACA classes thread. It is all fairly acccurate and will give you the latest info. Needless to say, if you got an interview, you are among the lucky few. Unfortunately, you won't see a training room if hired until late next spring at the earliest (probably). Keep your fingers crossed that United has a good holiday season and beyond.:)

Thanks for the reply. I was told that if I was hired that I would not see a training date until around the end of March. Has the growth stopped or will it pick back up?
The J41s were suddenly going to go away by Nov 2003 so the company cancelled the J41 classes. There were some seriuos issues about current J41 FO's being witheld from class while new hires and junior 41 FOs and FRJ FOs were going to the CRJ FO slots. Essentially some serious seniority issues. Many of these 41 FO's are now being sent to training like they were supposed to be. This caused the cancellation of some new hire classes. So things were very confused.

Now there may be a light at the end of the tunnel (and it probably is not a train). As of yesterday it appears as if the J41's are going back to the original retirement schedule of April 2004. This means that the company is going to have to have some more J41 classes. They may still try to weasel out of this though. But more than likely there will be a couple of new hire classes in the J41 in the near future. because of the seniority issues listed above it would appear that most of the new hires in the near future will go to the J41 or else the FRJ. I am sure that they will also still have some CRJ slots as they cannot release all the currently withheld J41 FOs to the CRJ in one shot. I hope this is of help. Good luck to all of those in the pool.

On a side note. The evil CRJ program goes to AQP (Advanced Qualification Program) starting the next class. Hopefully this will create a much more friendly training program. The J41 AQP program is the easiest training program out there.
Blueridge... Your best guess, please. It seems that most who interviewed in July are now in class. Those in August and later interview slots are awaiting class dates. When do you think classes will resume? And, secondly, for those who interviewed in August, do you think a class date will be forthcoming in January, February, March or perhaps later than this. Thanks in advance.

I'm in the hiring pool with ACA. Just wondering what is AQP (Advanced Qualification Program)? Is that some sort of new training program?

I would not even to venture a guess as to when the new hire classes would start. There are just too many variables. As for when you interviewed and when you were hired that would be even more difficult to ponder. I have no idea how many people are in the pool. How many of those people have offers with othere companies and might take them. As I said before, with the seniority issues associated with the departure of the 41s and the actual timing of the 41s leaving the fleet, the company does not even have a clue how the class schedule and sizes are going to pan out over the next few months. It has also been pointed out that ACA appears to be overstaffed. Unless we get more growth, the pilots who are hired today are going to be permanent reserve FOs.
As for the "evil" CRJ training I am just tired of hearing that and it is just bad information. The CRJ training at ACA has improved tremendously over the past few years and is only getting better. To characterize it as "evil" is just plain ignorant or uninformed. Whether AQP or not the CRJ program is fine. For anyone that did not bid the CRJ they now find themselves unable to get an IAD slot regardless of their seniority.
I beg to differ...ask the CA's from the 328 who transitioned this past fall...the more things change, the more they stay the same. As for the new AQP, two words for ya..."test pilot".

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