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ACA -- what is going on?

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sideshow said:
As for the "evil" CRJ training I am just tired of hearing that and it is just bad information. The CRJ training at ACA has improved tremendously over the past few years and is only getting better. To characterize it as "evil" is just plain ignorant or uninformed. Whether AQP or not the CRJ program is fine."

Tell that to the unklucky half of the class that failed in May.
The CRJ program at ACA has improved trememdously over the last year or so. There is still room for improvement though. I believe AQP could only help it even more bc there is only a 3 things they can fail you for: crash sim, put ac or pax in danger, and/or exceed limitation. there is some subjectivity there, but a lot more latitude for mistakes than near perfection required for a tradtional checkride. I thought the J41 AQP system was very fair and you learned something by doing it.
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Tell that to the unklucky half of the class that failed in May.

I beg to differ...ask the CA's from the 328 who transitioned this past fall...the more things change, the more they stay the same. As for the new AQP, two words for ya..."test pilot".

Do you have the breakdown of the "unlucky" half of the class that failed in May? Did you speak to the entire half of the class that failed and determine if they failed just because some "evil" person in the training department wanted them to? Have you been through the "evil" training on the CRJ at ACA? I've spoken to plenty of people that have failed an oral or checkride and when you dig into it you discover more often than not they should have failed.

A rumor I heard a couple of weeks ago is that an examiner failed a Captain that was upgrading because he didn't have any tabs in his FOM. That seemed a bit extreme until you read the debrief and found out that he didn't think ACA could use lower than standard take-off mins, was unsure if we had any special use airports, did not think we could accept a LAHSO clearance and evidently had not read a page of the Airworthiness chapter. So, the comment from the examiner was that he found it helpful to locate some items by using tabs for those pages he found important. But of course once it goes through the airline rumor mill it came out as the equivalent of Chuck Yeager failed his oral because he didn't have any tabs in his FOM. But you believe what you will. From my experience the training department has made leaps and bounds over the years. Not perfect, never going to be perfect, but defintely better and trying hard to be better. And no, I'm not in the training department.

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