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ACA Interviews?

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C141 is right. There are many rumors but as of this last week, they were still thinking end-of-March or early April. There are some "special case" interviews but that is all. However, from what I have heard, there has been more people canceling their spot for class out of the pool. There is also a couple J41 classes starting up. Hopefully there will be more hiring soon. Untill then, keep flying and learning.

Rom. 8:18-19 Blue Side Up!
Hiring might start sooner than you think

I would bet that the Pool at ACA is seeing alot of attrition.. I interviewed in August and was placed in the pool a couple weeks later. I know that 3 of the 8 guys that interviewed that day and were offered jobs are going elsewhere. Would hazard a guess that 25-50% of the folks in the pool are AWOL when the phone call finally comes..
If you fly it they will come....

I saw a post on here the other day about a pilot saying he is tired of waiting an that ACA is going to sink. Well, it's like this.

If you want a job at ACA you must interview and then go to school. For the statement 25-50% are AWOL, well they lost out and someone else is going to move up. Statement: Good things come to those who wait.

C141.. no need to be so defensive.. let the critics throw out their uninformed opinions and carry on.. ACA is a good company and those that wait will be happy there I am sure..
On the other hand there are alot of factors that go into choosing a place of employment and I cant fault the people who have decided for whatever reason to go elsewhere..
I hope to see you all soon, so that my friends and I can get off reserve!

Welcome!! :)

(Just kidding, I am thankful to even have a job nowadays.)
Just curious as to why one would have an avatar of a brand (trade) name. To my knowledge there is no such airline as United Express.
I'm in the pool and I would wait for along time before I considered any other company. ACA is a top notch company. Patience is a virtue and I'm sure ACA is worth the wait.

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