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ACA furloughs

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Jan 29, 2003
I am in the pool at ACA. My class date was supposed to be around October before the news of the furloughs. I have not heard to much information after the fourloughs. Obviously that will be pushed back and I hope not canceled. Just wondering if any ACA pilots out there or anyone for that matter has heard what ACA's plans are, etc.
I'm also in the pool, and before the furloughs was told to expect an April 2004 class date. There have been no replies to my emails from ACA, so I don't know what's going on, and I suspect they're not sure themselves. The guys at pilot recruiting seem like a good bunch, so I figure once they know we'll know.
Anything would be a guess at this point

If United liquidates it could be a very long time. From what I've heard, if United does go belly up, ACA will park all the Jetstreams and furlough approx. 500 immediately. It could be a very long ride.
I got home from Kuwait yesterday when the Chief Pilot called me about my military status. I asked him about whats going on and he said like everyone else that furloughed pilots are getting the info. Also the same as Bluto statements about 500 pilots let go if they ground the J41.
If you are in the pool hang in there. It could be a long wait.
If you have any questions PM me and I can answer any of your questions. I am home for 6 days before heading back over, but I have access to the internet to check my messages so if I don't get back to you it might take a few days.

Terry V.
The guys from pilot recrutiment do seem like great people. I get an email from them about once every 2 months talking about the company and class dates. I am suprised they have not sent a new one since the furloughs. I guess they are trying to figure out what is going on as well. I have heard a couple of people saying they might pick up Jet Blue and/or a couple of other code shares. It seem like a great company and I am sure that they are working on a plan. Good luck to everyone in the pool and hope to see you there before too long.
Assuming United stays alive, it looks like there will probably not be another wave of furloughs (beyond the 2 already announced). While we are a bit pilot heavy still, any further furloughs will requre a bump&flush which would be too costly with all of the required re-training.
Park 41's and furlough 500 pilots...

Just to clarify, when you're saying they would park the J41's and immediately furlough 500 folks... you're not talking about 500 J41 pilots, right? Just the 500 lowest seniority folks, regardless of what equipment they're on? Just wanted to make sure the seniority system still works. :)

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Thanks . . .


I assume from your e-mails that you are in Kuwait for our current military operation. That being the case, I just wanted to say "thanks."

Thanks for taking time away from your civilian life, putting yourself in harms way to protect our freedoms.

I know that everyone has a different opinion about how involved we should be in Iraq but that doesn't matter when you hear about a "brother" doing his part; doing his duty.

I have a lot of respect for what your doing. Stay safe, keep the blue side up and I hope that we're all in 'civies' again real soon.

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