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709 Ride

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Are we there yet!!!!!!!!!
May 23, 2003
How long does a 709 ride stay on a pilot's record?
Does it mess up his/her chances of future airline employment?
Vspeeds said:
How long does a 709 ride stay on a pilot's record?
Does it mess up his/her chances of future airline employment?

1. A 44709 Re-examination stays as part of an Airman's permanent record. Is will show if you pass or fail the re-examination.

2. Depends on the person doing the hireing. I have seen airman with 44709, accidents, incidents, etc. and get hired. I know some chief pilots and Dir. of Ops who have lost their certificate for a period of time.

I think they're the same thing; the 709 is the new designation. That or it's 100 harder than a 609. :)
ACT700 said:
What's the difference between a 709 and a 609 ride?

Used to be 609, now it is 709. We had fun at an Expo once with Bell aircraft. They had their version of the Tiltrotor called the Bell 609. The rep asked us if we wanted a 609 ride and we responded "never want one".
pianoman said:
I think they're the same thing; the 709 is the new designation. That or it's 100 harder than a 609. :)

That's hilarious.

Thanks, ATLcrashpad.
In 1994, the FAA Act of 1958 was ammended, and the public laws authorizing the FAA were placed in Title 49 of the United States Code. Those portions of the public law affecting aviation were re-codified, and what was 609, fell under 49 USC 44709. It is the actual Law, not a regulation, authorizing the FAA to re-examine certificate holders certificates at any time.




subpart iii--safety


Sec. 44709. Amendments, modifications, suspensions, and
revocations of certificates

(a) Reinspection and Reexamination.--The Administrator of the
Federal Aviation Administration may reinspect at any time a civil
aircraft, aircraft engine, propeller, appliance, air navigation
facility, or air agency, or reexamine an airman holding a certificate
issued under section 44703 of this title.
(b) Actions of the Administrator.--The Administrator may issue an
order amending, modifying, suspending, or revoking--
(1) any part of a certificate issued under this chapter if--
(A) the Administrator decides after conducting a
reinspection, reexamination, or other investigation that safety
in air commerce or air transportation and the public interest
require that action; or
(B) the holder of the certificate has violated an aircraft
noise or sonic boom standard or regulation prescribed under
section 44715(a) of this title; and

(2) an airman certificate when the holder of the certificate is
convicted of violating section 13(a) of the Fish and Wildlife Act of
1956 (16 U.S.C. 742j-1(a)).

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