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50% Capt the rest get top pay????

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Your words hit home, EVERY REGIONAL PILOT IS UNDER PAID!!!! So why help owners like JO continue to HMO our profession? I worke for Trans States so I know how it is to be paid $hit wages and I don't even dare to imagine the wages at Great Lakes. But this is only partly about money, it's mainly about the continued destruction of our contracts. Now many people voiced their displeasure with my comments this evening (I love the freedom this board stands for) but no-one is looking at what is really happening to our contracts. This is only the first step now how long before cabatage makes it's appearence???? When that happens we may as well all start looking for new careers. My only point is we live and die by the verbage of our contracts and if we sell them short we have nothing...

Well, first and foremost, "substandand" TA's have been accepted by airlines many many years before the one in question. If you think this is the first one that began the downspiral, then you need to take a look at the airline industry since deregulation.

The fact is that the airline industry as we knew it will no longer exist in the not-so-distant future. Things will NEVER return to "normal" (whatever that means), regardless of Mesa's acceptance of this TA. I'm not trying to validate the "yes votes", just pointing out the reality of the situation. God forbid you get furloughed, you may just find yourself looking for work at some of the companies which you view as having "lowered the bar" in relation to pilot wages, etc. This entire chain of events was set in place far before Mesa accepted this TA.
Well I have thought about this long and hard and if it gets to that I will either go corprate or hang up the spurs. The fact of the matter is, being an airline pilot is not as glammerous as it once was. I guess the days of the young kid entering the cockpit and the pilots showing him all of the buttons and guages and watching his face light up with total amazment are all but gone. Keep you fingers crossed that cabatoge doesn't make it's way to us.


Don't you have some giant h@rd on to go to work at America West, and leave that great job you have there at Air Wis? Chomping at the bit to trade in your "industry leading" contract on one that's bringing up the rear? Yep, sounds like your raising the bar, all right. What a hypocrite.

Oh, and by the way. You are NOT welcome on my jumpseat. I am generating my own "list". Right now it includes you, "mckpickle" and "eaglefly" . Others will be added as they are "identified".
Well TJ I see that you once again are out of the loop so I will make and attempt to enlighten you. When I joined AWAC they were in contract negotiations at the time. They, WE stood fast held the line and DEMANDED what was fair, unlike your beloved mesa. AWA recently turned down an offer because it was below industry standard THEY TOO ARE HOLDING THE LINE AND DEMANDING WHAT IS FAIR, something that you haven't seem to grasp as of yet. Now as far as the jumpseat goes and not being able to ride with you, no worries there I usually write a pass so that if an off line pilot needs it, it's there. I write off the expense on my taxes, but thanks any way.

Actually, Mesa is hardly my "beloved", but unlike the hypocrites who scream the loudest, I believe how they conduct their business is their business. I worry about my own company and my own pilot group.

Wiskey Driver said:
Now as far as the jumpseat goes and not being able to ride with you, no worries there I usually write a pass so that if an off line pilot needs it, it's there. I write off the expense on my taxes, but thanks any way.


Ah, so not only a hypocrite, but a morally corrupt one as well. One of aviation's shining stars. A true SEASONED PROFESSIONAL. :rolleyes:

Trainerjet's point is exactly what I was trying to show you all along; that your noble self-righteous attitude towards Mesa is hypocritical. Did you not agree with me that "EVERY REGIONAL PILOT IS UNDERPAID"? Aren't you a regional pilot? So by accepting a position with Air Wisconsin, aren't you lowering the bar for people who would not normally work for such wages? How is that dissimilar from Mesa's acceptance of this TA?

"No, but that's different. I work for one of the higher paid regional airlines"... right? Before criticizing Mesa pilots for their decisions, just realize that YOU are also partially responsible for the low wages prevelant throughout the regional airline industry. As am I. Not everything is Mesa's fault, as you seem to imply.
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I understand the Mesa situation pretty well (I think). I was at TSA when they were going through the J4J situation (they still are, in facto).

J4J seems like a better situation for a regional to be in than not. I would take the new jets and 1/2 the jobs vs. none of the above.

Also, the new UAL agreement talks about J4J for them, so that could come to pass in the future at AWAC.

The whole industry is in turmoil, and it is changing. What was a crappy idea 2 years ago, may be the best option now (& vice versa).

I hope that if you are a pilot, and you want to keep flying, you can find a way to do that!

SkySpray said:

Trainerjet's point is exactly what I was trying to show you all along; that your noble self-righteous attitude towards Mesa is hypocritical. Did you not agree with me that "EVERY REGIONAL PILOT IS UNDERPAID"? Aren't you a regional pilot? So by accepting a position with Air Wisconsin, aren't you lowering the bar for people who would not normally work for such wages? How is that dissimilar from Mesa's acceptance of this TA?

Man you are so way off base here it isn't even funny! First mesa is in no way shape or form anything like Air Wisconsin. Second we stood our ground to get something descent and if that's is in any way hypocricitcal then that's me. Third how can you even attempt to make the statement you made when your own GREED allowed you to as you put it turn down a job at SWA to go to AA. I did and still agree with you on the point that we are all under paid but by allowing a company to do what they did hurts every regional pilot who fought to get good contracts and if you are too blind to see that then it's best you stay out of the debate.

Look man the bottom line is all of us are going to have to weed thru this mess that mesa has left behind. I won't even try to comment on TJ's point because as a major driver he is totally out of the loop.

This ain't personel against you or TJ but merely a debate.


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