2000 - 216 Hrs. Block / 900 Pay ( Not bad as a Lineholder. )
And, my personal bests:
- October and November 2001.
- ZERO Block Hrs. Flown
- 75-80 hrs. Pay
- Again, as a Lineholder with no reserve responsibilities.
Sadly, it was partially due to 9/11, but mostly due to incompetent Management during a Fleet transition.
I'm still not quite sure why the airline no longer exists....Something about expensive gas and a contract for some flying going away is what they are trying to tell everyone.
Demos, Delivery flights, Pt 91 owner flights, and Pt 135 charter flights total 465 hours for 08. That's roughly 30% less than what I flew in 07. Yikes!
... 440 hrs, 960ish credit- laughable number of days off, lost a vacation slot too. Strange, showing 511.?? on Sabre? Dang "Chinee Calcurus." Hit 990 last year... what a difference reserve makes!
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