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2000 hour UAL Pilot out on the street!

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Oct 17, 2002
I just went in for my Medical and while filling out the paperwork spotted a young twenty something kid sitting across from me doing the same. I thought to myself this kid is probably hoping to get a few more instructing hours and maybe get an interview with a good regional pretty soon. Fourty minutes later while talking to the Doc he told me had a United Pilot with only 2000 hours (1950 on his medical app.) get his medical renewed right before me and the kid was now furlowed. I said, Oh he was probably United Express but the Doc (a pilot himself) confirmed the kid was a bonifide United Pilot furlowee. He wasnt even a she or minority! Now my question is this, HOW THE H. did this snot nosed kid get hired over at United when most of my friends with 5000 plus hours and a type rating were told they were sitting 1500 deep in line for an interview. I hate to say it but there were a lot of punks handed jobs on a silver platter over there the past 5 years. Now that they are out on the street, are the regionals picking them back up? I heard that a United Pilot can send his UAL letter of resignation (required by many employers) to his United Chief Pilot and the Chief will file it in the waist basket. If for the sake of aurguement United started hiring again tomorrow would these kids (or adults for that matter) be held to the agreement they made with their new employer or would everybody just shake thier heads as the kid gave his lowly regional job and coworkers the bird as he headed back to flying some "real" equipment?
that is just life

I hate to say this again, but that is just life. Some people are in the right places at the right times. There is no need in getting "bent" over this. Some people are blessed. It is all an attitude that you have to take. It is like getting up in the morning and telling yourself that you are going to have a good day and you, more than likely, will have a good day. It is like me, I went from flight instructing to a c-650. I am building time and flying for a great owner. I am on call a lot, but who cares, I am getting turbo jet pic time in the worst down turn in our aviatin history. You just have to build your perspective and try to admire the guy that was in the seat at UAL! (sorry - got on a soap box!)
Sedona33 said:
He wasnt even a she or minority! Now my question is this, HOW THE H. did this snot nosed kid get hired over at United when most of my friends with 5000 plus hours and a type rating were told they were sitting 1500 deep in line for an interview. I hate to say it but there were a lot of punks handed jobs on a silver platter over there the past 5 years. Now that they are out on the street, are the regionals picking them back up? I heard that a United Pilot can send his UAL letter of resignation (required by many employers) to his United Chief Pilot and the Chief will file it in the waist basket. If for the sake of aurguement United started hiring again tomorrow would these kids (or adults for that matter) be held to the agreement they made with their new employer or would everybody just shake thier heads as the kid gave his lowly regional job and coworkers the bird as he headed back to flying some "real" equipment?

Don't sweat the small stuff. It will make for a very long and grinding career if you do. If you insist, here is a link for you:

Click Here!!!
Sedona.. He just might have been a former intern at UAL. Each year United has somewhere in the neighborhood of 100-150 interns from various college flight programs working there. These young men and women work for no pay and in most cases very little thanks. If they do a good job, UAL will give them an interview. Some have been hired with very little time. Sounds like this was the ultimate "getting your foot in the door" story. My guess is that he most likely worked for a VP of something or other in flight ops. Now he is looking for work just like everybody else.
Half Full


This topic must be pretty important to you since you are on a public forum disrespecting other pilots you don't even know! You've never even met the guy and you've already laying into him like you're a drill sergeant. Sedona, let me ask you this...What makes you so special???

I've never met this furloughed United pilot and I've never met you, but from the paragraph you've written on this forum, myself and the rest of the pilots who read these boards can certainly tell who doesn't have class!

What is the point telling the world how much you don't like someone? What are you hoping to accomplish? Were you hoping that other pilots would join you in berating this pilot who just lost his job? Would that ease your pain?

I doubt it. This guy has done well for himself at such an early age. He is obviously intellegent and has made many smart career decisions. This man is one of the few aviators who have had the privledge of wearing a United uniform?What is wrong with simply being happy for him?

When I look at a glass I see it as half full. Sedona, how do you see it?
The link that metrosheriff posted was, I think, the funniest thing I've seen in a long time...thanks for the laugh...the music is too much...if you have sounds and leave it down regularly ...turn it up for this one...its hilarious!!!
Sedona 33
looks like UAL hired the right person!!!
I hope you are seat locked while you go thru your anger period
How about some cheese with your whine
Fr8dgnit, I gotta agree the link metrosheriff gave was pretty funny...is that sight for real? To everybody else....Whatever! I will be the first to admit I've got no love for United and it's band of whiny wonders there. For those critics of me, I am content in my current position, never applied to United but have always been aware of the arrogance of those that work there. I remember in the booming years many of those persons hired over there would come to message boards like this and say things like "why dont you guys at Southwest come and fly a real airplane?....you aren't really planning on retiring in a 737 are you?". This coming from kids who never really did anything but showed up "at the right place at the right time" as you say. I know there are some decent folks over at United but to be honest I think it is time for some of these persons to learn some respect. That time has come. OK, everybody rush to the defense of the poor, picked on United pilot again and tell me I am still seeing the glass half empty, I could care less boo hoo. I know people who have worked hard that have always deserved more and those people are finally getting their due....I guess it's true what they say, what comes around goes around.
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One of my college friend's father was a senior captain at United and #3 at ALPA. He became an FO at Great Lakes then straight to United. NO pic turbine ever. It's who you know.

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