I actually like the "ram's horn" yoke quite a bit. The design enables you to clearly see the primary instruments without craning your head around. Just watch your knees, because if a strong gust wrenches the controls hard over, your kneecap could be a casualty.
I flew the E120 way back when and the main thing I saw with the ram horns is that you are using the muscles on the top of your forearms---not your biceps as much. Morgoth was right about the wind gusts and getting hit on the top of your knee caps---watch out for that.
The ram-horns take about ten minutes to get used to then your good to go. I agree with what the other guys said that you have to watch your knee caps when the other guy is flying and it's windy outside. It can also get a little goofy in a stiff crosswind with the yoke slung way over to one side. Overall I really liked them but I don't miss them.
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