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Wouldn't it be better to get in the NET\ now?

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Well-known member
Dec 25, 2003
So, wouldn't it be better to get in Netjets now before the contract is finalized? Get in and not have too hard of a job getting through the interview and training. The contract should be finished in the next few months, from what I've heard.
DEFINITELY go to Citation Shares if you can. They seem to be the very best of the fracs right now in terms of pay/work rules. STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM NETJOKE !
Snakeplt said:
DEFINITELY go to Citation Shares if you can. They seem to be the very best of the fracs right now in terms of pay/work rules. STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM NETJOKE !
Snake - If NETJOKE is so bad, why haven't you gone to CS?

Snakeplt is strickly for entertainment purposes only.......There is some truth in what he says but the way he says it destroys his credibiltiy......He sounds like a few of the disgruntled,furloughed airline guys he have here who took this job because there wasn't much out there at the time....hopefully things will change and he'ss have a chance to move on to a more suitable environment.

He'll probably accuse me of drinking the kool-aid but who cares......he can drink his Fiji water in his 400XP.
Sarka: I am getting out of this B.S. fractional flying for good.

DO: Is that grape or cherry koolaid running through your veins ? Enjoy your "career" at the laughing stock of the industry !
Sarka......See what said....the guy is purely miserable. I wish him luck where ever he goes.....if that's at all possible.
hey snakepilot i've known do82 for a long time now. He might be living out in the sticks but he's been here before at other companies and he is definetly not drinking the koolaide.

Sure it's easy to talk about the bad parts here but there are some good parts.

Hope your life goes better.
DO this is the WORST aviation job I have ever had...so you are CORRECT ! What's your point ?
If this is the worse aviation job you've had then you haven't been around much.....Hauling midnight cargo in the winter in a beat up Baron....that's better than this????? Working for a dirtbag commuter/regional airline....that's better than this?.....Being furloughed from a major airline with the possibility of losing your pension.....Oh yea...you're right...there are tons of far better jobs out there just waiting to be had like picking apples from a tree.......

Snakeplt, you've obviously found the Garden of Eden.......best of luck to you!!!

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