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Words of Encouragement

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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2005
Hello, I hate to brother anyone, but I want to wish words of encouragement.

Springtime is a wonderful for job ads, keep looking! If a job is Closed, make a note of it. Keep an organized book, for future reference. Have a great attitude! And if you think your resume is not being seen, enlist a professional.

With so many qualified pilots not working, I try to be positive for everyone, I know female flight attendants who became pilots. Good jobs are hard to come by, BUT, with the right attitude you may stand out. Keep the jobs, classified as the Mods want, dont second guess a job, if it says 66,000 a year ask for 67,000, dont forget how to negociate in private jobs. Just jot down what you see and go from there, if you want to work to xxxx company in five years, chances are you'll be doing it! Low time pilots can make reference to everything that is posted, company stuff. Keep your head up high, and keep doing what you want to do, believe me, just keep plugging! But check baggage in the door when you go there, Just do a good job, and Best of luck to everyone looking.
I am a new guy to the world of Prof. Aviation but I know she is right.
MissKittyKat said:
Hello, I hate to brother anyone, but I want to wish words of encouragement.

Springtime is a wonderful for job ads, keep looking! If a job is Closed, make a note of it. Keep an organized book, for future reference. Have a great attitude! And if you think your resume is not being seen, enlist a professional.

With so many qualified pilots not working, I try to be positive for everyone, I know female flight attendants who became pilots. Good jobs are hard to come by, BUT, with the right attitude you may stand out. Keep the jobs, classified as the Mods want, dont second guess a job, if it says 66,000 a year ask for 67,000, dont forget how to negociate in private jobs. Just jot down what you see and go from there, if you want to work to xxxx company in five years, chances are you'll be doing it! Low time pilots can make reference to everything that is posted, company stuff. Keep your head up high, and keep doing what you want to do, believe me, just keep plugging! But check baggage in the door when you go there, Just do a good job, and Best of luck to everyone looking.

Boy oh boy!
I just wish all of what you say would REALLY make a difference. Unfortunately, it is extremely sugar, cotton-candy coated. How do I know? Well, I tried it for 10 years and it did NOT work, at least not for me. That's why I am currently an outsourced American pilot working long periods overseas for a FOREIGN carrier. Never had a problem with attitude or getting a job overseas. Always had a problem getting one at home. Truth is, that there is far too much discrimination going on - despite what they tell you! And if you think that is bad enough then think about this: to even secure an interview with the likes of UPS, Fedex etc., you need to know on a fairly personal level AT LEAST THREE PILOTS WHO ALREADY WORK THERE!!! Otherwise forget it! Trust me, I've been through the mill enough times to know the reality and the old boys' network.
If you don't believe me, then CONVINCE me I'm wrong and get me an interview with JetBlue or any of those that I've mentioned. There is no such thing as being interviewed/hired on your own merit anymore, times have changed and because of the intense competition, the rules have also changed and changed for the worse! Why do you think the US airlines are all in trouble and America is the laughing stock of the world??
I would give my arm to work for a DECENT US company. However that is just a pipe dream. I did have two interviews to come back home but turned them both down. Yes, actually turned them down. Why? Because they don't pay a living wage - I could earn more in McDonalds and that's no joke.

Happy hunting folks!!
Difficulty in life is always a given. And the Grail is often made of tin. Defeatism never helps, though. Nor does lambasting a kind person for trying to make your life brighter.
westshan said:
Difficulty in life is always a given. And the Grail is often made of tin. Defeatism never helps, though. Nor does lambasting a kind person for trying to make your life brighter.

It is ANYTHING but defeatism, my friend. Like I said, I have tried the rah rah jump through multiple hoops and sucking up - all in the name of getting a decent paying job in this crazy industry. I'm only telling the truth and sometimes the truth hurts. I was merely pointing out that some people seem to wear rose-colored spectacles or have no idea of what it's like because they've never been there - I have and not just once!!!!
It has got absolutely nothing to do with attitude and EVERYTHING to do with favoritism, biasness, the old boy network whatever you want to call it. To be perfectly honest with you, I only had one decent job back home and that only lasted 3 years (airline went bankrupt, so what's new there!!). I gave up plenty to get that job and then was thrown on the scrap heap. 16 straight months of unemployment despite my monumental efforts to get back to the job market (I won't bore bore you with the details). If you can't even get an interview and a chance to shine, how can you progress further or say it's attitude.
So.....I gave up flogging a dead horse since my persistence, attitude etc made no difference. If it were just attitude and personality, how come I NEVER have a problem flying all the Boeings overseas for overseas companies?
Trust me, I did the whole attitude and sucking up for 10 YEARS with very little to show for it. Sorry, my personal experiences far supercede someoe telling me it's all in attitude and how I view life!! I took charge of my life and made it happen because it certainly was not happening stateside. And that's a fact, not theory or rhetoric.

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