Anybody have some info on this place? Trying to take a Falcon 900 in there, and can't find any runway wieght limit information. Called the airport and they weren't sure either. Anybody have an A/FD handy? Thanks in advance.
Things may have changed, and I don't have an A/FD with me. I don't beleive Williams has jet fuel. I don't think there are any published weight limitations. The runway didn't have any instrument approaches last I was there, for good reasons. On the east side, there's a volcano on downwind, and numerous cones in the area. The runway itself is steep uphill to the south, and regardless of the winds, one takes off to the north and lands south. I've seen some very strong winds there.
Williams isn't far from Flagstaff, and that's where I'd go if I were flying a turbojet airplane in. Not saying you can't fly there; I imagine folks fly in with corporate aircraft. You might try calling there to find out. (928) 635-4451 or (928) 853-4168. Williams has a train that goes out to Tusayan (South Rim) with a stop at Chino airport, I believe. There's a good air museum at Chino.
I wouldn't go in there at night for the first time. I haven't been over there for a while, sorry I couldn't be more help.
Looking at the A/FD for Clark (actual name of the airport at Williams), and it's not showing any info on weight bearing capacity. The runway is 5,992' x 100' with 2-light PAPI's at both ends. On, it mentions that Rwy 36 has a 479' foot hill 8,800' from the end of the runway on the centerline, and Rwy 18 has one 393' high 7,800' from the end of the runway. AvBug's right though, there are numerous other obstructions in the area, namely Bill Williams Mtn. which is about 3,000' AGL and only about 5 miles south of the field.
As a sidenote, the airport museum that AvBug mentioned is actually at a little wide spot in the road called Valle (pronounced "valley") identifier: 40G.
Yeah, terrain is a bit of an issue up there. I wouldn't suggest night-time ops unless you're familiar. Bill Williams mountain is straight off the departure end of runway 18 (there's also a decent sized hill maybe a mile off the end of the runway if I recall correctly). Departing off of 36, there's a big hill about 1-2 miles out that doesn't look too friendly either.
Cool little airport, though. Last time I was up there, I didn't see anything but small GA pistons.
EDIT: Didn't see someone mentioned the actual terrain heights before me. Ah well.
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