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Why jetBlue will rule the world

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Ben Dover

Well-known member
Feb 19, 2003
I contemplating my future this past weekend I came to the conclusion that jetBlue will rule the world. Without getting too bogged down in my analysis it basically comes down to one factor, PEOPLE.

You see most airlines use labor to fly their planes, but jetBlue uses people. The difference you ask? Labor is a line on a graph; simply a resource. People, on the other hand, are human beings with lives, families, passions, and desires. Labor is represented by a number on an income statement. Management is constantly trying to get the most labor for the least money. People on the other hand are an asset that can make or break the future of an airline. You get the idea, lest I drone on...

In B school it was said that in the long run, people are the only real competitive advantage. There are many reasons why jetBlue will succeed, but the biggest one is they realize the importance of people.

Though I have several years more of dues paying at the regional level, I have my eye on the jetBlues of the world.

flame away,
B. Dover
Ben Dover said:
I contemplating my future this past weekend I came to the conclusion that jetBlue will rule the world. Without getting too bogged down in my analysis it basically comes down to one factor, PEOPLE.

You see most airlines use labor to fly their planes, but jetBlue uses people. The difference you ask? Labor is a line on a graph; simply a resource. People, on the other hand, are human beings with lives, families, passions, and desires. Labor is represented by a number on an income statement. Management is constantly trying to get the most labor for the least money. People on the other hand are an asset that can make or break the future of an airline. You get the idea, lest I drone on...

Good observations.

Delta had that reputation at one time. Unfortunately, time and corporations change.

I wish you success!
sf260pilot said:
Jet Blue will rule the world until they start having to maintain those EU airplanes.

You may be on to something...

Regarding the maintenance topic, I found this on the majors board
Originally posted by dgs
It's all free
Airbus gave us the airplanes for free, so we sold them to leasing companies and made a fortune! All MX and parts are free as long as we keep ordering airplanes. That's why we keep ordering 12-15 per year! All training is paid for at the Airbus training center in Miami. The port authority gave us terminal 6 and we don't have to pay landing fees at JFK during the off-peak times. Some of our investors also have huge influence with the oil companies, so we only pay 10 cents a gallon for jet fuel. There are also several bridges in NY that are real bargains. If you want one, I'll see what I can do.

Now back to the original question. jB captains are paid quite comfortably. In addition to the hourly rate for an average of about 80 hours per month (of actual productive flying), we've had profit sharing of 13.5% and 15.5% in the last two years. Add the stock purchase plan, stock options, and a 401(k) that YOU control, and the package is quite generous. I don't hear anybody around here complaining about pay.

Good point, but how is it that SouthWest has largely preserved it's corporate culture for the last thirty years?
I have heard that US Air is parking some of their Airbuses and returning some 73's from the desert to service. Apparently during heavy check on the busses they found a big problem with excessive corosion under the floor. They contacted Airbus and were told to go jump in the perverbial lake. Buyer be ware.
The reply was more likely, "Cassez-vous!" or "Si vous n'aimez pas nos avions, alors vous pouvez aller baise vous-même!"

Or maybe they politely said, "Boeing est un meilleur produit, ainsi ce qui."
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I will tell you what will happen over there. People currently love their jobs because they "have one" right now. Everybody is cheery and one big "family." But wait, in a couple years the company really starts to profit, and then the employees start asking themselves, "hey wait a second, I would like a bigger raise or share more of the profitability..." They ask the company and they say, "not right now, we need to buy more airbuses..." The employees get mad and start a union or join ALPA, and then it all goes downhill. Sure, I think it is great when people have fun---there is no disputing that. But, eventually the planes will get older and need maintenance that Jetblue will actually have to pay for themselves, and the people will realize that New York is expensive and Yonkers is a crappy place to live. They will want more, and they will have to fight for it. I love my job at Delta, but I can see some downfalls, and I am glad that my love for flying can override that. One thing that also helps is a great paycheck.

Bye Bye---General Lee:cool: :rolleyes: ;) ;)
Ben Dover said:
You may be on to something...

Regarding the maintenance topic, I found this on the majors board

Good point, but how is it that SouthWest has largely preserved it's corporate culture for the last thirty years?

Leadership vs. Managership

I wish you success!

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