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who's hiring/ minimums

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looking for Patroni....
Apr 28, 2003
hey guys i'm sure we all know a bunch of guys/gals that are furloughed or are trying to get a commuter/regional job. how about listing minimums/ who's hiring, gouge. address/phone #'s etc. thanks in advance
NWAirlink Pinnacle is hiring about 200 - 300 this year, and about the same next year. However, with the predicted attrition, the last person who will upgrade to captain was hired two months ago. Anyone hired now will have a long time before any upgrade in the current market. It is predicted as long as six or seven years before any upgrade for people hired right now or later.

Furloughed pilots will get the priority in hiring, but think about the upgrade time.
CHQ is hiring...

Chautauqua is hiring about 25-40/month through the end of the year. Upgrade time is hard to tell, there are some guys from Purdue with LOW time that'll upgrade in 2 1/2 to 3 years at the earliest. Higher time guys may be able to get the left seat earlier. Furloughed pilots are being hired but at a rate that will allow the company to handle the mas exodus when recalls come.

info can be found on: flychautauqua.com

hope it helps


Comair is hiring 1200-200-placed an add at flightlevel350.com.

Commutair is hiring, as is another smaller turboprop operator who also advertised on 350.

Horizon was hiring a few.

I think Mesa is also hiring.

Waffle House is hiring. If you have the time, Burger King will hire you too, but at Eagle rates. I think they have both been SCOPED out of onion rings and apple turn overs because mainline doesn't think they are qualified to operate the machinery.... DING, FRIES ARE DONE!!!!
It's BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP , The fries are done. Get it right will ya!!!



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