We're riding with a fed doing an enroute observation, plugged into the intercom. We get ATIS for Bangor, they report the first 2,000 feet of the runway is closed. So we call dispatch for amended landing numbers, to be told, "Oh, no, you don't need those."
"Uhhh, yes, we do. We're landing with a partial closure."
"No, you don't."
"Yes, we do."
"NO you don't!"
"The fed who's sitting behind me agrees that we do."
"Stand by."
To this day I don't know how that woman keeps her job...
We were sent to pick up pax to a location about 800 miles from our base. We got to our destination, waited for our pax to show. Long story short three hours later still no pax, turned out the dispatcher that booked the trip recorded the wrong departure date. They were not supposed to leave until the next day. The best part was we both had the next day off so they had to bring us home! Talk about an exspensive mistake. Gives a new meaning to non-rev.
Stupid Dispatch Tricks
Disclaimer: 121 Supplemental has no dispatchers, just "Flight Followers" (tho' most have the DX cert.)
Flight Follower/Crew Scheduling error: crewmember needed to in OAK (Oakland CA), reserve pilot airlined to "Oak City" (OKC: Oklahoma City), or was it vice-versa?
Pilot on reserve ticketed by company to Detroit; calls in to Crew Scheduling upon arrival for further instructions...Crew Scheduling says "What are you doing in Detroit?"....Pilot: "You airlined me here"
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