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I forgot to add:

But you could look at what you said another way.

Yes the WOs will go away when we are merged or stapled to MDA. Then their will be one WO that Group will most likely put up as an IPO. Just as Continental did.

Who knows?
Mesa, Chautauqua, Trans-States etc.. will not fly one additional RJ in US Airways colors

That may be true.. but unfortunately, Siegel is out talking to other carriers about flying RJs.. and I'm not talking WO carriers.. Midway will never be a WO and they already have a contract to fly RJs. Hel! Siegel has been talking to Colgan about Jets.. If he's talking to us about getting jets, he doesn't have his heart set on giving them to you guys.

Don't get me wrong now.. I'm not saying for one second that I think the contract carriers should get jets or fly routes that should be flown by a WO carrier. I think all the jet flying belongs with you guys.

I just don't think it's going to happen. You can already look at the schedule and see ALG lose routes in the northeast. They aren't losing the routes to replace them with an ALG RJ in the future. They are losing those routes because there probably won't be an ALG in the future. Mid Atlantic is going to get the majority of the RJs, when and if the court approves spending the money. The fact being, Siegel cannot gather enough financial support to get the RJs he wants. A good number will have to be leased by, and flown by the contract carriers for the next many years.

Someday I'm sure there will be no WOs, as you will all be flying as US Airways.. I hope that day comes sooner than later.. I just don't think it'll be soon, and I think later is quite a ways away.

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