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Who is flying CCAIR routes!

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Active member
Aug 25, 2002
Just wondering who is flying or is going to fly the routes that CCAIR are leaving. Will Mesa keep them going for USExpress or will one of the WOs pick them up and start flying them. Just wondering.

That kinda brings up another question. When USAirways finally gets MidAtlantic and its other RJ programs going, will folks like CHQ, Shuttle America, Commuteair, and Colgan be put to the way side so the WOs of USAirways can gain routes? Just wondering what everyone else thinks about it.
Well, I can't speak for any of the WOs or other contract carriers, but Colgan is unfortunately picking up quite of few Allegheny routes in the Northeast. I say unfortunately, because it's at the expense of the ALG pilots.

As far as what will happen.. Who knows. Colgan owns quite a few of their own routes. Most of those are EAS routes, and they go where Colgan goes, so I don't think Colgan will be set aside. Many of the routes we're picking up are not routes that you'll probably ever see an RJ on.

Colgan is quite a bit different that the other contact carriers. We fly into the hubs from podunk towns that they don't want anything to do with. Granted, we have some routes that could be flown with the Dash or DO, but wouldn't be very profitable with those aircraft.

Other than the routes we're replacing ALG on, I don't think we're a big threat to any of the WOs.. And I hope the pilots of the WOs, especially the ALG crews realize that.

I don't know about your first question, but with the second, Siegal has already made it known that US Airways is getting out of the turbo-prop business and if all goes as planned within the next few years there will not be anymore turbo-props.

According to the contract between the Mailine pilots and the company only participating WO or Contract affiliates who accept the jets4jobs proposal(sp?) will get any new jet flying. This does not mean that the contract carriers will lose any immediate flying, just that there won't be any new jets placed at their company.

I would personnaly say that you can look at the structure of Continental and COEX, and that is what U will look like in a few years. The same players in turning Continental around are involved in this one too, so maybe in time the contracting of US Airways Group flying will be put to rest once and for all.
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Good Post Folks!

Hey guys thanks for the insight. Very good posts to ponder. What does everyone else think about this?

The reason I am so interested in what goes on with U is because I have been recently hired with PSA and just trying to get a grip on what kind of growth and change will be happening at PSA and the other WOs. I have spent a very short time in the Part 121 world with Corporate Airlines flying out to RDU and STL. Now that I have the opp. to get back into a Part 121 regional, I am just trying to get a grasp on what some of you insiders are saying. You know you can't always believe what little bit you read!

Thanks again and looking forward into what some others say about the regional world.

We at PSA are not in to bad of a position considering that our position was shoved up our A$$. As for our Brothers and Sisters at PDT and ALG, I'm not too sure. I know ALG is having a bad time right now but PDTs been kinda quiet lately.

It makes us sick to see our fellow WO with pilots on the street while contract carriers continue to fly in U colors. And hopefully this will change very soon.

Now as far as whats happening here. More than a year ago PSA was operating as little as 26 aircraft with 260 pilots on the list.( that includes mgt pilots that did'nt fly) Now we are operating next month maybe 27 or 29 aircraft with now 297 pilots on the list, not a lot of growth but not horrible either. Keep in mind that this company has not grown in years. When I came here I was in a class of THREE. Nontheless it does appear that a major change is coming, except noone knows if it'll be good or bad. We appear to be stocking up on people. So we'll soon see what's gonna happen.

Remember, not too long ago U was gonna merge with UA and PSA was gonna go to ACA so things change constantly.

My advise to you is study hard and do your best in groundschool. Know you Memmory Items and Limitations COLD before you even come to DAY. It'll make life alot better. Don't get too wraped up in the rummors, it'll drive ya nuts. Untill I actualy see an RJ on this property then I'll belive the hype.

Good luck and welcome to the (disfuctional) La Familia
It makes us sick to see our fellow WO with pilots on the street while contract carriers continue to fly in U colors. And hopefully this will change very soon.

I hate to say it, but I think the WOs will go away before the contract carriers go away.
CCair is losing its routes on November 3 to PDT. PDT is moving out of FLA and they needed somewhere to use the planes so they took the few remanining CC routes. For those of you who have been crying b/c you feel the contract carriers keep taking your flying, this one went your way. -Bean
I live and fly in the RDU area and I've heard "Air Shuttle" on the air going to locations that used to be served by "Carolina," aka CCAir. Jacksonville, NC, is an example. And now you see B-1900s at RDU, which we didn't have before. I assume they're Air Midwest. If they also use Mesa's "Air Shuttle" call sign, it appears that Mesa/Air Midwest has stepped in to fill some of CCAir's routes. Of course that could change if PDT picks up the routes, as previously mentioned.
Everyone needs to remember that CCAir is a wholly owned of Mesa Air Group. Johnny Ornstein owns Mesa, Air Midwest and CCAir. When he shut down CCAir to its pilots he shunted all the flying over to Mesa or Air Midwest (something that the union is currently fighting a lawsuit over) since Mesa Air Group already owned all those routes and can basically use whichever subsidiary it chooses to operate them. CCAir's routes are being flown by 1900's under the Air Midwest callsign (including RDU and CLT mostly) or Dash 8's and RJ's under Mesa (Air Shuttle).

The PDT deal that Beantown brought up is a totally different issue. PDT is pulling all it's flying out of FL and the Caribbean and is taking over CCAir's old routes for the D-8's in CLT that Mesa is covering right now. In exchange for giving them those routes, Mesa will be taking over PDT's routes in south FL. This gives Mesa more access to the FL market to supplement it's 1900 flying that it already has in place down there and in exchange allows PDT to contract some of it's more far flung flying so that it can consolidate a lot of the operations and maintenance issues.

Also, just FYI, as far as I know none of this route shuffling is taking anything out of USAir's WO flying. This is all internal contract carrier to contract carrier stuff in the case of CCAir or essentially an even up trade with the PDT deal.
I hate to say it, but I think the WOs will go away before the contract carriers go away.


I would have to disagree. I copied the following off another board, I think it does a good job of showing the future of the contract carriers.

"Mesa, Chautauqua, Trans-States etc.. will not fly one additional RJ in US Airways colors.

There are only 3 airlines who have agreed to the Jetsforjobs protocols as of today.

1. Midatlantic - By definition. Not in operation.
2. Midway - Not currently in operation. Expected 11/02.
3. PSA Airlines - Currently operates 27 Dornier 328s. Awaiting firm jet-orders.

As a reminder ONLY those companies who participate in Jetsforjobs will be invited to fly RJs in US Airways livery. The company now has the approval to fly in excess of 465 small-jets.

* - The 70 already flown by Chautauqua, Trans-States, and Mesa are grandfathered.

* - The next 70 medium SJs may be placed at any participating wholly-owned or affiliate carrier.

* - Additional medium RJs will be placed at MDA except that additional RJs may be added at the other participating carriers provided that the aggregate number of additional RJs shall not exceed 150% of the number of medium RJs at MDA. 315 total med/large RJs.

* - Large RJs (51-70 seats / 75,000 lbs with exceptions made for the EMB170/175) may be flown only at MDA.

* - Small RJs (less than 44 seats) may be placed at any participating regional. 150 total. "

In the above its important to take note of the word PARTICIPATING. Hopefully soon we can add PDT, and ALG to the above list.

Although jets4jobs is a crap deal I think it's the only way to have a future with US Airways. Esspecially since Dave has made it known that US Airways is getting out of the turbo-prop business.

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