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Nov 1, 2002
Anyone heard any facts regarding the status of new hires at Air Wisconsin over the next two months? I was told the 11/25 class is cancelled for two reasons. One was that it posed too much of a problem with the holiday season. Secondly, most of the Do-328's are leaving in February which means the training department is going into overdrive having to retrain all of the displaced Do-328 pilots, which makes all of the new hires a lower priority at this point.

Any inside info out there as to what the game plan is going to be through the end of December? Thanks...

Both are a concern, I think the later is more of an issue. With ten 328's left and six of those the company has been released from leases on, it would most certainly stand to reason that the remaining 4 would disappear in short order. Don't worry things are not slowing down, it's only going to get better here. Hope to se ya here soon.

I saw one of the Airtran Jet Connect (Air Cheese) RJ's parked in Atlanta today.

Looks pretty nice.....a mini "9" with the same Airtran paint job.

Welcome to ATL........"ah roger AWAC 4566 your wheels up time from (insert outstation here) in about 3 days for flow back into ATL!!!!!"
I heard they look pretty sweet. So they have pretty bad flow into ATL huh??

They do look pretty sweeeeet!

For the amount of traffic in ATL, the controllers do an excellent job. If its a visual day, be ready for about a 2.5 mile in trail on final. Just about the time the aircraft ahead is clearing the second high speed you are on short final. They really know how to pack them in....we had some controllers speak at my last recurrent ground. I think they shoot for about 100 arrivals per hour (visual days). With two arrivial runways that is about 1 airplane every 70 seconds! The real fun starts if you are leading the "pack" and they give the short approach! BIG FUN....210 kts, flaps 20, and full flight spoilers for about 3200 fpm decent on the down wind leg. Like a brick dropping out of the sky!

There are certain delta pushes that get kind of busy, but Airtran usually runs thier pushes between the Delta's....at least the big ones.

You know how the old saying goes "if you are going to hell, you have to change planes in ATL!!!!"
I really don't get to experience all of that excitment in the Denver market. This past week I flew out of the Chicago hub and I must say it was a blood rush to be on final less than five intrail, for a moment it made me remember how much fun it was to fly in and out of JFK. I will be doing some of the ATL flying later this week for a TDY. Can't wait.

Just because AWAC is getting out of some leases on the 328 does not mean they will leave when planned. The new word is that AWAC does not want to keep them around but United is saying, "whooa". We all know that if the 328 is gone then so are Eagle and Gunnison. I guess United is remembering how the Brasilias mountain performance in the summer sucks. I am still waiting for the 328 decline to come out in print. RUMOR. RUMOR
Hey Cheese,

I just caught that " not as cool as TrickDaddy" No, ya cooler man!! I thought it was UAL's intent to rid themselves of all turbo props, or was that just in the chicago market to compete with AE? Also heard that we are supposed to get the 40 seat version of the rj to take over some of that flying. Oh well it's all rumor till it happens.

I know at SkyWest, United wants us to keep the 7 EMB that we were going to retire in the next 6 months in the CA system. We are having a problem with the lack of EMB FO's wanting to upgrade to Capt. is the largest problem. I think we will keep 2 or 3 of them. We have been canceling 3-8 flights a day in our system because we don't have the crews. When it comes to DEN, there seems to be no growth for us in the EMB. So we could assume that you guys will stay the same when it comes to the 328??? Hope this info helps?

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