CommutAir also has a base in CLE. Additionally, you'll find that any city within a few hundred miles will be easy to commute to because of the volume of traffic in and out on Continental/Express/Connection... Or so I am told.
CLE is actually a good place to commute from for the most part cause there are alot of places within a 2 hour flight. Here's a few I can think of where you might find a regional that is hiring and has a base
Detriot: cakewalk of a commute as there is alot of frequency and the flights tend not be very full.
Cincinnati: pretty good, but I don't think there is as many frequency as DTW
Chicago/ORD: little worse then the top two cause there are alot of people who do that commute both UAL people living in CLE and CAL people living in Chicago. Plus you gotta deal with delays
New York/Philly: not too crowded although less frequency then ORD with slight chance for daily delays
Minneapolis: decent number of flights, but I know alot of CAL/Xjet people who do this commute. Might get dicey every now and then, but you can always connect through DTW or ORD
Dulles: pretty good considering Independence just joined the market and DCA is also an option if you're in a bind
If you work for Xjet you will probably be on reserve a long time in CLE unless CAL seriously changes their marketing plan and no runway expansion alone will do that. Not sure if Commutair is hiring right now, so can't tell you how it goes in their house.
I live kind of in between Cleveland and Akron (closer to Akron). It works out pretty nice. Usually I'll take flights out of CLE because they're non-stop to where I'm going. Sometimes coming home though, I'll take them in to CAK (even though its a 2 leg commute) if it will get me home earlier considering all sorts of factors including drive time. Only problem with that is retrieving my truck from wherever I happened to leave it last.
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