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Sierra Hotel
Feb 26, 2006
Well I finally got 1.4 hours in the book, but I think my CFI screwed me up. He logged it as PIC time and Dual Received. I can't log it as PIC unless I'm solo can I? What should I do to correct this?

Yes, that was a mistake. You or your CFI could cross out the Pic time or tear out the page and start over as the previous post recommended. One would hate to start his logbook out with already crossing out time and placing initials (just what I do) next to corrected time.

No big deal, just have your CFI make another entry on your "new" page. Good luck with your training.
Seems like a good time to highlight what the other posters have said: if you (or your instructor) make a mistake in your logbook, it is better to cross out the mistake and initial it than to get "green out" and completely obscure the mistake. This will show that you aren't trying to hide anything in your log.
Well, if you have one of those dinky little starter logbooks, and you plan to make this a career, now is a good time to go out and buy one of the nicer logbooks that contain columns you'll WANT down the line.
Nah, I picked up one of the nice professional logbooks to start with. It's made by Jeppesen and cost me $30, so I'm not going to buy a new one for one entry that has a mistake.
In that case, neatly cutting out the first page with a razor should be fine. The Jepp logbook you have is nice and very practical down the road.
Tell your instructor that even though you did fly like you were already rated in category and class, he should skip the PIC column for now. Tell him this everytime you hand him the log book, at least for the next few flights.

Otherwise, do as instructed above, cut it or line it and initial. On future interviews, point to it and tell the interviewer you were so good, the instructor thought you were PIC.

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