IMHO the problem with this industry is that the supply of pilots exceeds the demand. I am not trying stir things up but it seems like there are a lot "new" guys/gals that are willing to fly for nothing with the hopes of one day landing that big high paying job. A lot of them were probably convinced to go to one of those fast track aviation schools where they spent a fortune to get their certs and a prized interview with a regional in X amount of months. They soon come to understand that their career aspirations will probably involve many years of poverty and a very poor family life. By then it is too late, the money is spent and the opportunity to pursue another career is gone. What would those individuals have done differently had they known the realities of this industry? What effect would the elimination of thousands of resumes from these "hungry" pilots have on our industry? The point I am trying to make is, why couldn't we (ALPA, non ALPA pilots) pool our resources to run a "Truth about airline pilots" campaign to discourage people from flooding our industry? This could include such information as the rapidly decreasing opportunities to score a major airline pilot position, regional airline pilot pay and quality of life issues (ie commuting when your base closes, starting over at the bottom when changing companies and raising a family by phone). If this theory worked the pilot supply could go down, demand might go up and maybe we could make a liveable wage. Some may disagree with this idea but either way I am interested in your thoughts. Could it become a reality or is it just a pipe dream?