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What the word on NJI, or is it still EJI

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Tokyo Tokyo!
Dec 16, 2001
When do they expect to hire?

And what is max pay there?

These are the facts as I understand them:

Recently 6 EJM Falcon captains were given interviews. These guys had from 5k-11k hours. None were given jobs or second interviews. Word came back to them later that only applicants with 12k hours and previous G-IV or GV time are being considered and that the interviews were simply a courtesy for fellow Buffet employees. Even with that, NJI is acquiring aircraft at a very slow rate (1 or 2 a year) and hiring just enough pilots for growth and attrition. With 4000 hours, NJI might be out of reach for you for quite a while. Possible contraction of NJI into NJA could change the whole dynamic though.

NJI/NJA please correct me if I'm wrong on this stuff.
amazing, who's got 12K hrs these days, other than furloughed pilots, and I can't see hiring them, cause they are likely to return to the majors... (I would)..

Anyway... oh well..
Hey, I like those numbers.... However, I submitted a resume and haven't heard a word... I don't have any flight time in a shiny GV. What is the starting salary for an FO on the GIV/V anyway?

Seems like the military GIV/GV guys have quite an edge-up for EJI...
They have the total edge. As a matter of fact, "mill" guys period have the edge. I had a previous student of mine who flew C-130's with the guard. Did side work through Gulfstream through an in at the guard, got a type and then got time with EJI. I haven't heard of more elite minded group in the industry. Ever. Pretty amazing when you consider that all the regionals are flying virtually the same type of aircraft with 1200 hour co-pilots and 3000 hour captains.

It also has nothing to do with the current glut of qualified pilots, they've always been that way.

Best of luck though!
I've been at NJI for a little over 2 years. Still an FO and probably will be for at least another couple years. The outlandish minimums that are floating around out there is a myth. Average qualifications are pretty high (5000 TT plus jet experience) but there is no "set in stone" minimum. There are guys working here who had zero jet time when they started. A lot of getting a job, especially now, has to do with who ya know. Most of the guys hired in the last 12 months are pilots who used to work for companies or individuals who are now NetJets owners. The company is pretty good about extending job offers to crews who are out of work because their previous employer is now flying with NetJets. It is true that things on the hiring front have slowed down tremendously. Hiring now, as someone else pointed out, is based solely on new aircraft deliveries and attrition. We are slated to get another 2 G4s and 1 G5SP this year. However, the company has started to sell off some of the aircraft already in service that they can turn a nice profit on. This addition and subtraction with Gulfstream fleet is going to work out to a net increase of zero for 2003. I doubt they hire any more pilots this year. The only things that could effect that much is for sales to pick up dramatically or for a change to occur in our current crew to aircraft ratio (5 to 1 now). Pay is pretty good. Starting FO pay without a Gulfstream type is around 66K, 70K with a type. New captains with 2-3 years time in service go to around 88-90K. The schedule is either 6 on 5 off or 7 and 7. Currently the 7-7 option is offered to 50% of the employees by seniority. Overtime is payed at your salary day rate times 1.5 on a quarterly basis for days worked in excess of 49 per quarter. You can call any city with airline service your "gateway" which is wonderful and I hope is extended soon to all NetJets crews. That's kinda the down and dirty. Let me know what else you need to know that I left out. Fly safe!!!
Thanks bro... very helpful... Lets hope they hire soon..

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