I know that elements of these questions have been answered but here are some "quality of life" type Q&A's about Options:
-I understand the scheule is 8 on 7 off. Do you always work on day one or sometimes sit at home for a couple of day?? You can live anywhere as long as your airport has a set number of flights right.
-Say you blow into an airport and have to go pick up another owner. Is cleaning the airplane and making it ready a hassle? I cross seatbelts and move some trash around in the SAAB every so often and see the mess the traveling public makes, are Frax pax better or worse.
-How is the 401-k at Options. Are you elegible day one or have to wait a year? How are the fund choices.
-Do you stay in decent hotels? Do you have to wait way too long for vans like we do at the regional level?
-For those of you who flew regional turboprops, on a scale of 1 to 10 with ten being highest, was the move to a frax what you were looking for. I see the no commuting on your own time, increased per diem, typed immediately, working for a growing company and pay side as being quantum leaps ahead of the regionals. Am I blind or is the grass greener over there.
I appreciate in advance responses to any or all of the above.
-I understand the scheule is 8 on 7 off. Do you always work on day one or sometimes sit at home for a couple of day?? You can live anywhere as long as your airport has a set number of flights right.
-Say you blow into an airport and have to go pick up another owner. Is cleaning the airplane and making it ready a hassle? I cross seatbelts and move some trash around in the SAAB every so often and see the mess the traveling public makes, are Frax pax better or worse.
-How is the 401-k at Options. Are you elegible day one or have to wait a year? How are the fund choices.
-Do you stay in decent hotels? Do you have to wait way too long for vans like we do at the regional level?
-For those of you who flew regional turboprops, on a scale of 1 to 10 with ten being highest, was the move to a frax what you were looking for. I see the no commuting on your own time, increased per diem, typed immediately, working for a growing company and pay side as being quantum leaps ahead of the regionals. Am I blind or is the grass greener over there.
I appreciate in advance responses to any or all of the above.