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What is life like at FO

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Active member
Mar 13, 2002
I know that elements of these questions have been answered but here are some "quality of life" type Q&A's about Options:

-I understand the scheule is 8 on 7 off. Do you always work on day one or sometimes sit at home for a couple of day?? You can live anywhere as long as your airport has a set number of flights right.

-Say you blow into an airport and have to go pick up another owner. Is cleaning the airplane and making it ready a hassle? I cross seatbelts and move some trash around in the SAAB every so often and see the mess the traveling public makes, are Frax pax better or worse.

-How is the 401-k at Options. Are you elegible day one or have to wait a year? How are the fund choices.

-Do you stay in decent hotels? Do you have to wait way too long for vans like we do at the regional level?

-For those of you who flew regional turboprops, on a scale of 1 to 10 with ten being highest, was the move to a frax what you were looking for. I see the no commuting on your own time, increased per diem, typed immediately, working for a growing company and pay side as being quantum leaps ahead of the regionals. Am I blind or is the grass greener over there.

I appreciate in advance responses to any or all of the above.

FO Questions


----More often then not you will airline out on day 1 and home on day 8. All on the company dime. In the 2.5 years that I have been at FO, there have been times when I have sat at home for a day or two, and even the entire 8 days. Most of the time it is a function of what is going on with your assigned airplane. If the airplane is in for a big inspection, engine change, etc. Also if you take say the first 4 days off, why would they airline you out for only 4 days? You might just get the other 4 off. Yes you can live anywhere you wish and claim that as a domicle as long as the airport is served by at least 3 different airlines with a total of 6 flights a day.

----Getting the airplane ready for the next leg is no big deal. Empty the trash, fix the belts, maybe get the line guys to run the dust buster and clean the lav. Most pax's are pretty good.

----The 401K, well mine sure took a big hit! I'm not sure when you can enroll. I know we can change our fund every 6 months. The fund choices are well rounded in my opinion. We could sure do better in this area.

----Hotels are good. We stay in a lot of Hiltons, Holiday Inn's, Marroits, Crowne Plaza, Embassy Suites, and a lot of really nice non-national hotels. I have never stayed at anything like a Super 8 or Motel 6.

----Never flew at a regional so I can't help you there.
All the bennies start 30 days after your start date. That includes 401K. Not sure on the fund choices. I am still trying to figure out which ones are good or not. It just depends how you want to invest.
I worked for American Eagle and was the happiest pilot in the world when I left to go to the Corporate/ frac world, American Eagle and AMR are the crappiest companies in the world, would never consider a reg airline or American for that matter ever again, I have been very happy on this side, it seems that most of the reg, pilots think that they will not get hired by the majors if they don't work for a 121 company, they are dead wrong, at RTA we were loosing about 1-2 pilots per month to the majors, I for one had an interview set up with Delta and United before all that went down the tubes after 911, I love where I am now, infact it could be a career if benefits improve a bit, I was willing to leave for the pension only, the rest of the company is great, I love the flying, but it is hard to pass up on a pension, we don't have that yet, like I said yet, FO is only 4 years old and growing. I will say that one problem is the 401k plan, they have limited funds to choose from ,I think that you only get 16 to choose from, when I was at RTA we had 34, and it was managed through Fidelity, it would be nice to see FO switch to Fidelity and add more than just the 16, I still participate in the 401k because they match $1 for your $1 up to 4% of what you put in to the max allowed. But aside from that FO is a great company, with very good benefits, too much to list, but it is a good company, and yes we do stay at very good hotels, mostly Hilton, holiday inn, and Sheraton Brands, you will make top premier status with these chains in a matter of a year, I made hilton diamond, holiday inn platinum, and sheraton platinum within a year, but again, it is a good company and I hope that after the airlines start hiring again, FO will have a pension so that people will stay rather than leave.

Good Luck
I appreciate the responses so far. Im in the process of deciding whether to stick it out here at XJ and put myself through who knows what for no telling what kind of contract or try for the corporate/frax thing. I have always admired the frax companies and was just wondering if there are hidden things that I would regret if I left XJ. So far it seems that the grass really is greener on your side of the fence.


I dont work for for Options but I am going to give you my two cents worth anyhow. This is how I see it. At the Commuters/Regionals, whatever they are called, you know what your life and pay will be for ever. You will never make the kind of money you will be worth.
At the fractionals the schedules are in place, the variety of airplanes are there, the variety of flying is there and ultimately the pay and benefits are on their way. With the NJA contract coming the Options, Flex, CIT Shares folks wont be far behind. These companies are raising an already repectable industry to a higher lever. At the very least you will be able to show up for work and surround yourself with people who are trying to help the company and do a good job rather than find ways to screw them over.
You probably answered more of the original intent of my questions above. Im a card carrying dues paying voting paticipant of ALPA. I also think Ive got a decent work ethic instilled in me by my past work and upbringing. The airlines are what they are but you can work yourself to death and bend over backwards to do the right thing and it gets you nowhere. My biggest complaint right now is PAY, commuting and crashpads. Those take my time and resources to do and I see the frax companies as a way to reduce my obligation. Thanks for expressing that the scheds and flying are interesting. That isnt the only reason to make a move but it would help to improve on what you have.
I really really want to get on with Flight Options but am lacking the required turbine time. Any suggestions from guys already there on how to get on? I have plent of total and multi time but just can't seem to find a place to burn Kerosene. How set in stone is it that you need to know someone to get on. Anybody need a new friend?
Response To Masterplan


Considering what is going on right now in the industry, knowing someone is very very important. Also having the type of flight time and experience that Flight Options is looking for. We are getting hundreds of resumes each week from the "outside", also many resumes are showing up with recommendations from current pilots.

Just knowing someone and walking their stuff in won't do it anymore. To be considered, the recommendation needs to come from someone working at Options that has either flown with you or worked with you.

Flight Options like many other companies that are currently hiring now have the ability to pick the cream of the crop.

My suggestion to you is send in a resume, update it often, and follow up with phone calls, e-mails, etc. You never know what will happen.
Other Info For Gump

Hey Gump,

One thing I forgot to offer about quality of life. At Options they give you so much food by way of crew meals, you will gain weight if not careful! I'm sure it is also this way at the other fractionals. Plus you get to keep the per deim.

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