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What happened with NetJets contract last week

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Everybody's PISSED!...

Its like buying a car...you cant let the salesman get to ya with the first round of numbers!

But...its UGLY right now.

I'm glad though. I never thought we were that unified up untill now. We got guys painting signs as we speak... we are UNIFIED and will do well...IMO.
Back to the table at the NMB in DC come July. Were just down to pay pretty much. The supposed benefits package is great, fantastic, schedules, duty regs, ETC BUT the pay is not where we want it. Stay tuned for July for more information.
The company wants to play F--K F--K with the pilot group over pay. If they keep it up, there may be a time in the not so distant future where you won't hear the callsign "EXECJET" 10 times on every frequency in the sky. Just think of all the money the FBOs can make in ramp fees with hundreds of jets parked around the country.
Are they close on pay or what?

How far apart on pay are they.

Is this going to drag out much longer, or do you think something will be agreeded to soon.

What is the offer from the company.

Just trying to make some career decisions. Thanks.
It would be nice if we could say how far apart they are on the numbers. Truth is we dont know. Why, 'cause were not told anything. I understand the barganing process but it doesnt make it any less frustrating.

Here goes my rant. The sh!t is the union has the balls to tell the membership that they are taking RTS "at his word" that he would pay us more provided we gave him flexibility. Our MEC's fear of an adversarial relationship with the company has caused undue delays and lack of presence at the barganing table. RTS does not fear us going on strike. NJA does not worry about slow downs or grounding planes. The precedent hasnt been set.
We, the membership, are the child in the back of a class room falling behind because his previous teachers never provided him with the proper tools to learn.
We will continue to fly our planes, respect our customers and get the job done because no one has shown us how we can change an make a difference.

I'm done ranting now.

Im preparing mentaly for Contract "summer 2005".
So what do we need to do? Ignore the mediator and the Federal board and just break all RLA laws and walk out the door on strike? Wish it were that easy. I agree summer of '05 is what it is looking like, but will it be any better offer by then? Hope so.
Just Got This

Just came in via email from AIN Online, which basically means its probably misleading.

NetJets Pilots Closer To Resolving Contract Disputes
[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]After more than two-and-a-half years of negotiations for a new contract, the union representing some 1,900 NetJets pilots is closer to resolving their differences with NetJets management. According to a union official, the two sides recently reached agreement over benefits “and many minor economic items” and an improved system for handling pilot grievances, disciplinary actions and terminations. Negotiations are now under way over scope, salary and retirement issues. As part of the negotiations, NetJets is allowing the union to review financial data related to the company’s income, labor costs and operating expenses. With this data, union officials and company management “can’t make proposals without regard to their impact on the carrier’s financial condition,” noted the union spokesman. This era of cooperation between the two sides contrasts starkly with the state of negotiations six months ago. At that time, union representatives described negotiations with the world’s largest fractional operator as “contentious and largely unsatisfactory from a pilot standpoint.” The union leader credited NetJets president Bill Boisture for helping to create an atmosphere of cooperation. [/font]
Wishing you Frac guys and girls the best.

[font=Times New Roman, Times, serif]


AIN is not a publication that writes sensational news stories. The item above pretty much condenses this week's NetJets MEC announcement. Tell me how that can be misleading?
Just passing out what was printed online. With AIN's history of reporting errors I just inserted the disclaimer. Not being a Frac type myself I didn't want to pass along incorrect info without the caveat. Don't get me wrong, I read the magazine monthly and subscribe to the online reports but I also recognize that they mess up now and again.
Now LUF.

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