FLB717 said:Jester757 that was a much more informative post, thank you. Now please educate me on the BBJ, not a slam I really want to know. What size and where is it going to be flown and at what rate? I have not seen any contract or statements to the effect and if you have those numbers I for one whould like to see what they are.
I feel confident that that we will not make gains like UAl and DAl in 00 and 01, but we will improve our contract and keep us competitive. None of us are into lowering the bar.
FLB717...Thank you for the mature and well written response. Very different from you comrade who posts under two names so he can look important rather than a panty waist.
Here is the info on DAL:
100 seat aircraft being looked at is down to either the EMB190 or the B737-700. DAL eliminated the 318 out the running at the end of last year. That is today anyhow. DAL has sent instructors to get typed on the various aircraft and made their recommendation. Rumor is Boeing is going to offer DAL a similar finance deal to how airbus does it - which is to say no payments for a couple years. But the EMB is way cheaper so who knows... Rumored to have the same inflight entertainment (TVs) etc. as JBLU and Song.
Rates: Proposed by DAL managment: 12 year Captain $88hr, 12 FO $61 hr with first year at $44 hr. Yep, $44 an hour to fly a 737. I was making $43 hr flying a GD Saab!
So you can see that if DAL gets either of these and put them on the same routes as AT there will be competion. Add in that the pilot rates (airlines second largest expesnse) will be 43% less that AT rates you can see what will happen to fares (tank) along with any sort of operating revenue. Add in AT will have to spring for TV setups to match the type of service and now the cost to fly the 717 aircraft has gone way up. Where might Joe find some extra cash to protect his market share?
I hope you guys do get a pay raise. It would be good for everyone if you do. Draw a line in the sand, threaten a strike, whatever you think will work. From what I have seen all over the industry though is that the unions talk tough but have no power to negotiate anything. Mgmt just will roll over the pilots like a train. Maybe you guys will be able to "fight the man" on this one. For your sake FLB 717, I hope you do come out on top. As far as that other dork goes, I bet he will be the first to cross the line - under his alias of course.