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Were did Netjetwife go?

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650 driver

Well-known member
Aug 26, 2004
Anyone know what happened to Netjetwife?
I miss his or her 34 posts each day at all hours of the day and night.

She probably decided that most of the nimrods on this board weren't worth her time.

Pick from the following:

a) she is sponge painting another room in the house;

b) she is sponge painting the new union hall (in either case we will see a picture posted on the board); or

c) her internet service provider terminated service for non-payment.
Actually she has had something horrific happen in her family and is focusing on that. I'm also one of the few people that read this board that will truly know what she is going through because I've been there. If she chooses to discuss it further, she will. It'd be good to let this thread go by the wayside.

And no...she and I are not the same person.
An explanation and a warning.

Most of 2004 was spent helping my brother recover from depression. The research and emails to him are the reason that I was on my computer all hours of the day and night. I read/posted on the boards during my breaks. Everything bad you have heard about Prozac (which I pleaded with him not to take) is true! These are stressful times for many in this industry, but I'd strongly caution you and/or your loved ones against using anti-depressants ---their side-effects are often worse than the original problem. We saw our best results with CBT--Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and the absolute worst imaginable with Prozac! In the future I plan to post in forums where that subject is discussed.

'Owner, thanks for remembering my painting. I am working on my "conservatory" project again, but it is very difficult as I did a lot of it while talking to my brother on the phone. Brett was very supportive of the pilots' cause and we talked about all of the issues. Much of my interest in reaching out to others and offering support and fellowship was a natural extension of helping my brother.

Grizz and other NJ pilots and wives have been very good friends during this nightmare that I'm living through. My efforts to build a sense of community among the NJ group has paid off. Little did I know when I started calling families in my area last summer that I would benefit so much from the support structure that I helped to organize. I placed cards on the NJASAP Message Board as a Prozac warning/tribute to my brother. Those of you familiar with my numerous and/or lengthy posts will not be surprised to hear that I use writing to help me deal with stressful situations. My family continues to be very involved with the contract battle, and I'm pleased to report that the outlook there offers a strong contrast to my own personal situation. Troubled times draw people closer together. I have see that happen at Netjets and have also come across evidence of it here at FlightInfo. It gives people hope for the future and makes difficult times easier. Netjetwife




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There are many here, (including myself) who genuinely miss your presence. Here's hoping you will grace us with your particular brand of insight, when you are able.

God Bless
Regardless of what is said on these boards about issues in this industry, there is a life going on outside. We eat, drink, live, love, hate, feel frustrated. We dream, we hold, we seek, and occassionally we find.
There should be answers for all the things that trouble us but there is not. In the end, we must live on hope for when it departs, it takes with it our motivation to live. Hope is inevitablly accompanied by its close friend faith. Together they inspire and keep us going at the very darkest of hours. On the other side are fear and question. They are always trying to pull us down unto themselves. And, with some they win. Even when they are alive they are dead for hope and faith have departed them.
In the love of a brother, there can be nothing sadder than not being able to instill faith and hope. We know we cannot do it with a pill, we cannot do it with programs, and, sometimes we cannot do it at all. That which brings us from that saddness is in fact hope and faith.

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