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We're all suckers at the regionals

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Dec 18, 2002
Why do I get the impression that we all feel like suckers here? Almost everything I read, and everything I want to say, says that we've accepted everything bad about this job, and don't demand anything good from it. I enjoy my 13 days off every month, and I enjoy taking off and landing, but that's it. When will we all get together and demand that we're treated like the very talented and educated people that we are?
The carrot is gone. I've been at Mesaba 3.5 years, and I don't know why I' m allowing this to continue. We're screwing ourselves the best we can by accepting these "regional" work rules and pay rates. I'm scared to death that if we at Mesaba fight for and get an excellent "regional" contract, that someone else will immediately say that they'll do it for a little less.
Personally, I'd like to see a total S.O.S. Suspension of service. Sure, someone will take some of the jobs, but we'd all know who they are. We would no longer have people who sit on the ground all day telling us that we're so easily replaced. Unity is the key now more than ever.
I say RJDC all the way, and not because I hate ALPA. They've done amazing things for our profession. I say that because we're the major's pawns, both for mangement and pilots. Major pilots use us to secure their jobs, and management uses us to threaten Major jobs. How can that be good?
What if we all got together? It sounds like a John Lennon song, but Imagine all the pilots, saying that I won't fly your passengers for 1/4th the price so that I MIGHT get the chance to fly them for full price?
One ALPA list, or at least one flag list is the only answer. If you connect on a codeshare, you're flown by those pilots. You don't go from HPN to CYQR with one stop on a NWAirlink operated by Mesaba, you take NWA all the way, flown by people who have demanded the respect that they deserve, not by people who would smoke a pole in a heartbeat just to burn some kerosene. How is 25K a year as an F.O. ever going to repay the debt I incurred getting here? How is 60K a year as a Captain ever going to make the overnights or the icing/severe turbulence/ engine failures/pc's/medical exams worth it? Let's stop accepting the prices we paid to get here for the price that management pays us.
Let's all get together and say "NO MORE!" NO 121 pilot should be allowed to accept less than 25k a year. They should be able to save for retirement and raise a family at the same time. They've paid enough for training by getting their MEI, and paid enough by flight instructing. The issues are deep, and togetherness is our only salvation. One list, no more "regional" airlines. A 121 pilot is a 121 pilot.
Can you imagine all of us as brother and sister, willing to stand up for each other because it is only dumb luck that separates 99% of us? Imagine that.
I'm voting NO on our contract, unless it makes me a NWA pilot. Stand up for me, with me. Strike, vote no, say "No more!" Pay me what I'm worth, or join me in the breadline Mr. CEO.
I echo your sentiments, but..........there will always be people out there who will do this for less than I do it. 90% of us will take a stand and the other 10% will screw us.

I like my job......but I have such a miserable time watching my fellow pilots take a screwing over and over again. You watch, this job will be worth 10 bucks an hour soon and there will be a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG line of people wanting it! How sad is that?
Good points. Doesn't this "do it for FREE" attitude all really start at the university level? Those aviation departments at UND/Riddle are probably telling these young kids all kinds of junk and filling there heads with "Gotta do what it takes to pay your dues". so when they come out they think they're Chuck Yeager because they have 10 hours in a 777 sim. that cost them $6k for a college elective. OR they are so brainwashed that a job flying a CRJ making $15k a year looks good because they've been told they are "building jet time".

Company managers take advantage of our situation because they realize that we love our jobs and love flying. They also have tested the waters and have realized that they can even get pilots to pay for there jobs. As soon as one company does it, I am sure they are all on the hotline asking how they did it, etc..

Personally I don't think ALPA has done jack with this and should do more about it. But I guess they've got there hands-full with misrepresentation lawsuits and stuff like that. GO RJDC !!!!!

I have been at XJ for 3.5 years also and am a strong advocate for striking, simply because we can. NWA doesnt care about it's people or it's customers, so why should we care about them.

I am proud to fly with some of the most professional people out in the industry and know that we will hold the line when it comes time to do it.

Can they make the AIRLINK any bigger on the new paint scheme?
How about adding an exclamation point?

GO RJDC !!!!
90% of us will take a stand and the other 10% will screw us.

With the exception of SkyWest. Apparently 53% will screw you.

(small typo there, thanks for pointing that out)
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Not that it matters much, but it 53% not 63%, unless you count the VERY stupid 250 pilots who didn't vote.

Either way it still fricken sucks...
Again, split right down the middle.......
RALPA would be a possible solution...
While a "RALPA" sounds inviting, it simply divides us further. The point of my post is togetherness. The RJDC point is togetherness, that "separate but equal" is inherently unequal. One national or flag list is the only way to save ourselves. The more unions we have, the more bad contracts will get negotiated.
Bako Cap,

I'll vote when it's a legally binding contract and the vote is not done on our company website after logging on under our own name! C'mon, did you really think that pay "TA" wasn't going to pass?? The company can do whatever they want! WE DON'T HAVE A UNION OR A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT!!! Because this pilot group won't send in union cards and the majority chooses to be non union we have effectively said, "we trust management to always do the right thing, treat us fairly, and pay us fairly." In hindsight maybe I should have "voted", but frankly I'm tired of participating in this illusion that we have a "union" at SkyWest.

stupid skywest pilot
I think that last post proves that the more people you have at a union, the stronger it is. RJDC, if successful, will give us the clout we deserve at ALPA and may even save major jobs by preventing the outsourcing of flying to the lowest bidder. Either you're with us, or you're not us. Skywest, it sounds like it's time to get on board. Everyone else already with ALPA (majors included) has got to start demanding that all carrier flying is done by people who are respected for what they do and not constantly accused of being the problem when poor business plans and funny accounting are the real problems.

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