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Waffle House??

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Aug 24, 2002
Does anyone know if The Waffle House is currently hiring and if so what are there current mins. I am now working for checkers but I just bought my own type on the belgium machine and wondering if i will be competitive. Thanks for any info.
are you serious??

you know it's posts like these that bring the industry standards down and waste everyone's time.

why would you whore yourself out to work at a place like the waffle house?! you are so pathetic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
....I think you have to work the panel on the fryer first (SO) before you move to the right seat on the Belgian Waffle machine.....some day you can move to the left seat on the grill.

Chill brother, no one is bringing down the industry on this board...that's managements job.......welcome to the revoloution..
Old Joke

This whole joke has been done before. Go back about a couple of months and there is a whole light-hearted thread about the mins for working at McDonalds (or maybe it was Burger King?) and how you have to start at the fry machine and upgrade to drive through, etc, etc. It was a pretty funny thread but I'm not sure we need to go through the whole thing again.
4321 said:
Does anyone know if The Waffle House is currently hiring...

You mean The Awful House, don't you?

What is that crap they put in their pancakes? Sawdust?


The last I heard Waffle House was PFT.

Taco Bell has maxed out because of the Pepsi Co. scope clause...and they don't anticipate any new additional Chilupas for another 2-3 years.

Arbys is hiring, but you going to have to buy your own type rating for the slow roasting oven before they will interview you...last I heard the wash out rate was 3-1 for the oven type...that "Oven Mit" who's in-charge of training is bitter and has serious issues...if you pink slip on the oven, you may have a chance for a slot with the roast beef slicer.

Mac D's...everybody wants to get into Mac D's...but with all the guys on the street with thousands of hours fryer time...it's a slim chance we'll get in.

Gold Star and Skyline Chili is giving preferential hiring to those who have prior chili experience and are hotdog line qualified. They pay for your move to Cincinnati, hotel during training is paid for...and they give you training pay. The online resume is a b#tch to fill out....

My apps are in...

What not to say on your check ride

So if I remember this whole thing correctly...

...there is a Waffle House on International Speedway Blvd., just west of the racetrack, in Daytona Beach. It is fairly close to the approach end of runway 7L, and a student pilot going for his check ride for the Instrument Rating is asked during the oral, "What do you need to proceed below decision height on this ILS?"


"Well, if I get the Waffle House sign in sight off my left then I know I am close, so I would use that."

I understand that pretty much brought the oral to a halt. :)
The "House" is the only option at 2am when you're a freight dog and you roll into some small industrial town to overnite.

Just stay long enough to choke down some hashbrowns, check out the mullets, inhale some second-hand smoke and get the he11 back to the roach motel.

Re: Re: Waffle House??

GuppyPuppy said:
What is that crap they put in their pancakes? Sawdust?


Does the waffel house serve pancakes? I ate there just the other night and don't recall seeing them on the menu. I could be wrong though... Maybe Mullet can enlighten us...
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