I am taking helicopter lessons in Northern VA and my CFI went to that school. From what I heard he had a good time there. Honestly havent talked to him too much about it, but he has never said anything bad about it. They have a lot of R-22's at least 10 I think. Like I said I haven't heard anything specific, but what I have heard has sounded pretty good. Just to make sure this is the same place I think it is based in Gulfport. If you need more info I could probably ask him next time I see him, but that will probably be a few weeks, becasue of my not very helicopter lesson friendly flight schedule this month.
Thanks for the reply. How far along are you in your training? Let me know if I can contact your CFI directly. It would help me out a lot. Just talking to a former student is the best indication of the quality of training they offer.
What are your future plans? I have some connections in the EMS field and the Offshore oil rig field. All in the south.
Try www.tropicalhelicopter.com in Leesburg Florida.
We had a student go there to get his commercial helicopter add-on.
They have 2 or 3 Schweizer 300 and a turbine Hughes 500.
The owner flies for Fedex for a living and does this on the side for the fun of it.
Not sure what my plan with the helicopter is gonna be. Flyin this EMB 145 is keepin me pretty busy right now. Just did the helo thing casue I had some extra money laying around for once. I always thought it would be cool to do some EMS stuff, but dunno if I could do that and the airlines at the same time. Anyways I havent soloed yet I have 14 hours so far and you need 20 hours by F.A.R's to solo the R-22. My CFI said he would have soloed me already if it wasnt for the time requirement. I'm pretty busy right now so it might be a while before I talk to my CFI, but I'll ask him next time if its cool to for you to call him. The only way I can get a hold of him is by calling my school anyways.
Check out justhelicopters.com and verticalreference.com for good places to do research on your helicopter flight training. From what I've read Vortex has an excellent reputation and with the setup they have with Air Logistics (off shore GOM flying) as an ab initio training center you'll be better off in the end as far as job prospects are concerned. I'm doing my training now at a very small school in the Pittsburgh area only because it's the only place around and I have to go part time due to my full time job. If I was starting out and could go full time I'd probably consider Vortex at the top of the list along with Helicopter Adventures Inc and Palm Beach Helicopters, both in Florida. Good luck!
Got lucky enough that I got to squeeze in a lesson today so I talked to my CFI about Vortex. Unfortunately there is really no way to get ahold of him aside from calling the school he works at now, and you can see how that would not be a great thing for someone to call him at work and ask about a different school. So there is no way that you can really get a hold of him personally. However he did say that he really liked Vortex and that he would definately recomend that you go there.
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