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Vision Air Tours

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Jan 17, 2002
Looking for information on Vision Air that flys the D-228 from anyone that has worked for them or has looked into working for them. Thanks.
I worked for them about 2 years ago. Its kinda an awful place to work... its was a very close knit pilot group. (read we all wen't out and drank a lot of beer after work.)

They are PFT so make a decision weather that is a road that you want to go down, I flew a Jetstream for them and the money covered the sim training at Flight Safety... the 228 guys kinda got ripped off in that the training was all done on dead legs and never cost the company a dime. That being said the DO228 guys flew their butts of during the summer season but then really say around during the winter. The money is Dog-snot but survivable if you are careful and keep yourself out of the Casinos.

I would took to Scenic first before Vision. I still know a bunch of people there, the flight crews there for the most part are real good guys but the owners/managent are all over the place.

MX is ok, their Director of MX is pretty sharp but they run the airplanes ragged.
I got just enough turbine time to get hired by XJT, I was there 6 months and had enough.. I was ready to bail when I did.

---EDIT--- I just saw you had on your profile that you are a dispatcher.. they have been messing around with going part 121 since I left... if you are a dispatcher you very well might get railroaded as a dispatcher and not fly at all.. be careful.

PM if you have any questions.
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Speaking from experience the above post is 100% correct. This is a good place to get turbine time and leave asap. The management/owners are all scumbags. The minute they find out that you are searching for a new job you will be fired. I ran out of relatives who had died so that I could go to job interviews. Just my bit of info for the day. -HX
HA XPEH said:
Speaking from experience the above post is 100% correct. This is a good place to get turbine time and leave asap. The management/owners are all scumbags. The minute they find out that you are searching for a new job you will be fired. I ran out of relatives who had died so that I could go to job interviews. Just my bit of info for the day. -HX

XPEH is right on as well. I'm leaving there now. Been there since for about 7 mos and had enough. If you can get into scenic, I would probably do that. It's still turbine time and mgmt will treat you better. I have a couple of friends that work at scenic and they can hardly believe the stories I tell them. That being said, the employees that work there are a great bunch of guys and gals. They know it sucks there and are just counting down their time together. I just got on with a great regional and I am handing in my resignation today. I'll post again to let you know if they sh!tcan me. To reiterate my point look at Scenic first and also check out Air GrandCanyon. Hope this helps.
Flyinhi, glad to hear about your resignation and best of luck at your new job. They probably tried to tell you that you are fired and they are going to give you a bad recommendation. All of this after the fact that you quit. Its a shame because the dork prop is a fun plane to fly, but the powers that be make it a crummy job.- HX
Anyone know what the pay is for the DO-328? Captain/ FO and is there a training contract for anyone who is already typed on the Aircraft.

I live in Henderson and am about to be furloughed from a Major- I used to fly the DO-328 for Air Wisconsin. Is this a good job to go to or am I going to hate it right away?

I guess it is better than unemployment, but not by much. It is a good way to stay flying. They might try and throw an 18 month non pro-rated pos contract at you. If you go there, keep sending resumes everywhere. (which you are probably already doing) In there eyes pilots are a dime a dozen-True,but not the good ones.

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