Just thought I would let everyone know that Vega Aviation, a crew leasing company, are looking for 747 400 crews for a contract in China. I think the requirment is 500 time in type and they are asking for a 57 age limit. From what I understand ( I have a good contact there ) they are looking for 8 Captns and 8 FOs. Its due to start by November I believe, and routes from china to north amercia. The Chinese have made it known that they prefer Amercian and European crews. Anyway, since I have know chance what so ever for the job I thought I would share the news with you all. I also understand that they will be looking for classic crews, over a dozen for ops in early 06. Hope this helps someone. You can apply via their website vega-aviation.com or they have an add through climbto350.com . And just to be clear, I have not recieved any financial gain by putting this post up or anything else like that. Hope it helps someone.