No, I'm telling you that they had a different opinion than you and I after Prater made his sales pitch. Honestly, it was a pretty good sales pitch. I heard it over and over and over again. He launched into the damned thing whenever he could. I must have heard it hundreds of times. It was pretty convincing, especially when you also have a BRP and Leg Affairs backing you up. I still disagreed, but most didn't.So you're telling me that just about every elected rep rides on a short school bus?
You consider the representative democratic system as set up in the United States Constitution to be "tripe?"Do you really believe that tripe? Sad.
Um, yeah, I already agreed with you on all of that, Andy. My point was that ALPA pulling stings for that wasn't some sort of conspiracy as you claim with the TWA situation. ALPA could be expected to pull strings on that legislation because their official policy was in favor of it.Learn how the legislative process works. You'll find Committee chairs wield a great deal of power. While it's possible to bring a bill out of committee through use of a discharge petition, that's unlikely especially in this case. Oberstar has been bought and paid for by alpa; they pulled the strings and he released the bill.
Yeah, there was a lot of publicity, but there weren't any allocated funds or resources to make it happen. Daune wasn't really serious about organizing. The IACP and FPA mergers were really the only efforts that he undertook. He built a relationship with the APA in hopes of something happening in the future, but there was no real concerted effort to recruit the AMR pilots. If you ask any staffer or volunteer that has done significant work in organizing (I was one of them), they'll tell you that Duane was underwhelming when it came to recruiting and organizing initiatives. Duane's forte was Capital Hill and pushing things on the legislative front. Organizing initiatives went to the back burner.There was a well publicized push to get as many pilots under the alpa umbrella as possible. To state otherwise is equivalent to stating that the color of the sky used to be green but now it's blue.
What you and some TWA pilots have suggested is that Duane and other leaders engaged in some sort of conspiracy to screw the TWA pilots in order to recruit the APA members. To do such a thing would risk ALPA's entire future. It's simply not a risk that Duane or any of the other leaders at the time would have taken. The possible benefits do not outweigh the risks.And how do you conclude that the entire future of alpa was at risk to recruit AMR pilots?
I agree, which is exactly why I told Prater that he was making a mistake in his handling of this issue. Now we need to clean up his mess, and destroying our union isn't the way to do that.No, the entire future of alpa is now at risk due to their handling of age 65.
That's not scope, that's a lack thereof.Great; I'll remember that when scope moves up to 110 seat aircraft at the regionals