I don't have any gouge for you, but if I do come across some I'll let you know ASAP.
I'm just curious about how long it took from sending in your stuff to you being called, and what kind of times/background you have. I'm trying to get on with them but no luck so far. PM me if you want, thanks
Part of Active Aero Group: www.activeaero.com
DC-9s and Falcon 20s
Excellent Training, Pilots, MX, Dispatch, Scheduling – Lots of experience and good people working here. There is no union.
On-Demand Cargo, mostly for auto industries.
There is rumours of a class in December-but only rumours until you actually arrive to start class, as this is the aviation industry.
There is a pool of pilots. I don't know if they're still interviewing now.
For better and more up-to-date info, see Pilot YIP's posts.
whoa Cliff! that was a long reply... let me guess youre out on the road killing time?
not much else i can add to that. its a great place to work if you're not worried about ruining your manicure...
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