Try Do not apply for a pilot job at the web site is not being used for pilot screening. If interested, fax a resume to 734-547-7388. Present competive candidates are about 3000 hours total time, 12000 MEL, turbine time, part 121 or military experience. No classes planned only interviewing to build a pool.
The company has made plans to convert to a 7 on 7 off schedule in June of 2002 and is working toward that goal by giving more days off each year and a the same time raising the pay. 1st year DA-20 F/O's now have a guarentee of 33K per year starting in the first day of ground school. The new pay plan will pay all 6th year Capts 82K guarentee per year with 12 days off every 28 day bid period. If they elect to work more days they can have a guarentee of over 100K. This is the same on the DA-20 and the DC-9 for the first 6 years. So yes we will have a commutable schedule in the future.
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