Contrary to the misinformation the company has sent out regarding pay and dues, the pilots are considered by the UAW to be salaried employees and will be charged 1.15% of their BASE salary. It is approximately $60 a month depending on your salary.
NOT $240. Must be that new math
Get you facts straight before you give out information. When you have that dues will be based 1.15% of base salary in writing signed by an officer of the international union, then it will be fact. But until that time you are as guilty as anyone of putting out misinformation. The company took their dues numbers from the UAW constitution as quoted in their letter.
Here is typical unfulfilled promises from the union supporters. Spencer, the undercover type guy who hides behind a false name, and makes promises that can not be delivered. I have not seen a copy of what he stated above he would deliver. Could it be it is the holidays and all the Int'l officers are spending union dues attending a conference in Florida? Again talk about management deflection, here is another case of Spencer, the great unknown who is afraid to go public, failing to deliver. Get ready for it guys, non-delivery will become the wave of the future.
My experience shows that only uninformed people or scabs are "totally" against unions.
Informed people realize that you have nothing to lose by getting a union, you only stand to gain something. You may not gain much, but you certainly won't lose anything!
Your 1.5% dues will be reimbursed during your first contract. You can take it to the bank that you will see at least a 1.5% pay increase with your first contract that will cover your dues.
At least you would have a real grievance process in place. A union might not do much for you, but they keep the management crooks honest. At least as honest as possible.
Apparently all the smart ones get to fly the cool stuff, I guess pilotyip was at the bottom of his class. It is not his fault though, he is a product of society. Just wanted to make sure I was PC.
For Goatstar: If you have checked my other posts, you will know I did not cross the CAL picket line in 1983 when I was offered a job. So I can officially wear the tag of non-scab. I am a former union member who worked for an airline represented by ALPA and one represented by the teamsters. Both out of business, USA Jet is the best place I have ever worked, and it does not need a union. The only pilots really rooting for union a USA Jet are the guys who fly for our competitors, I understand the Ameristart pilots cannot wait until we have our slowdown or strike. OBTW! I graduated at the top of my class in primany, advanced multi-engine and advanced airborne Navigation school, again you are demonstrating you are probalby another uninformed union guy who does not know what he is talking about.
If the only pilots that what a union at USA Jet are the Ameristar guys why did the UAW get 80% of the pilots to sign cards in 2 weeks. There must not be any problems at USA Jet. Maybe the Ameristar guys signed the cards. Yeah, that's it. It was them.
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