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US Airways ALPA nixes Republic, CRJ705

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2003
US Airways pilots won't consider permitting Republic to fly Jets for Jobs, nor will they permit US Airways to fly the CRJ700 Series 705.


June 26, 2003

This is Roy Freundlich with a US Airways MEC update for Thursday, June 26, with three new items.
Item 1. The MEC reconvened its second quarter meeting yesterday and today at the downtown Philadelphia Courtyard Marriott.

During the past two days, the MEC received reports from the Flight Security Committee, Scheduling/Block Building and JIRC committees, and Bid Closing Committee. The Negotiating Committee also presented a report to the MEC in open and closed session. Members of ALPA International’s Representation and Economic and Financial Analysis staff provided information on current and future aviation industry and labor trends. Industry trends are showing some improvement, however, significant recovery is not projected by current trends until 2005.

ALPA’s National Security Committee briefed the MEC on current security issues.

The R & I Committee discussed the process that the pilot members of the Retirement Board will be using to select investment options for the defined contribution plan, in the event the defined benefit plan is not restored through pension legislation.

Senior VP, Corporate Development Bruce Ashby; Director, Labor Relations—Flight Tony Bralich; and Captain Paul Morell, Director of Flight Training, addressed the MEC on Wednesday on several issues. US Airways’ application was approved by Star Alliance last month, and management plans on the Company’s official entry into the Alliance to take place in the next six-12 months. It requires frequent flyer miles arrangements with participating carriers to be complete.

Management also updated the MEC on US Airways’ current SJ operations and reviewed the Company’s recent SJ aircraft order. Management asked the MEC to consider several RJ issues: First, to approve Republic Airlines as a Jets For Jobs carrier. Republic Airlines and Chautauqua Airlines are operated by the same parent company. The Chautauqua pilots, who are represented by IBT, conditionally approved a Jets For Jobs agreement, but it was not accepted by Chautauqua or US Airways management. Second, the Company is asking the MEC to approve the utilization of the 75-seat CRJ-900 Series 705, one of the aircraft recently ordered by management, which exceeds the maximum small jet weight limit restrictions of the July 2002 Restructuring Agreement.

MEC members responded to both of management’s requests by stating that until management begins to properly administer the Contract in good faith and begins to engage in sincere efforts to repair the financial and labor relations damage that has resulted from their many insincere actions, MEC members will not consider additional requests for contractual flexibility.

The MEC has been processing agenda items in subcommittee and plenary over the past two days, and took action on 12 agenda items today including:

Approved Captain Jim Kennedy, Captain John Renfro and Captain Hartley LeRoy as members of the Legislative Affairs Committee

Approved First Officer David Kleck as a member of the Over 85 Hour Committee

Directed the MEC Grievance Chairman to file a grievance, for future MidAtlantic pilots, on the 5 percent pay deferral that the Company says intends to impose on MidAtlantic pilots. The MidAtlantic pay provisions do not contain an Iraqi war pay deferral.

Committee and officer reports are being posted on the MEC web site.

The meeting’s remaining schedule is:

For tomorrow, Friday, June 27, the schedule includes the Legislative Affairs Committee report, and the election of the Secretary-Treasurer officer position and chairmen for the Membership Services, Route, and Stock Advisory committees. Candidates for committee positions and the position of MEC Secretary/Treasurer are invited to address the MEC during the second quarter meeting. The MEC will also consider agenda items in plenary and subcommittee.

The meeting is scheduled to reconvene at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow.

All US Airways pilots are encouraged to attend the meeting. The telephone number for transportation information is 800-872-6070 for USA Limo Service, or taxis are available at the airport. The hotel telephone number is 215-496-3200.

Please be advised that portions of the meeting may be in closed session.

Item 2. The Company has posted Permanent Bid 03-05. The effective month of the bid is September 2003.

The drivers of the bid include:

Vacancies and displacements resulting from attrition, contingency openings and retirements.

Four Captain (Age 60) retirements for the A330 that will occur in October 2003.

A reduction of 13 Captain Positions.

Voluntary Personal Leaves for September are being offered. As a reminder, requests for a voluntary leave must be received by your chief pilot, or faxed to Charmane Lyscik at 412-747-3697, prior to noon tomorrow, Friday, June 27, 2003. Please contact your chief pilot’s office for more information or an application form.

A copy of the bid is available on the Pilots Only section of the MEC web site at usairwayspilots.org.

The bid will close at 2330 Eastern Time on July 6.

Item 3. Contact information for the 15 members of the US Airways Board of Directors has been posted on the pilots’ only website, on the Library/Archives page under the "Miscellaneous" section heading.

Please remember we have 1,879 pilots on furlough.

Thank you for listening.
So does this help the Chautauqua pilots in their attempt to kill off Republic?

If US Airways pilots won't fly Republic planes in the j4j program, does that effectively kill Republic?

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