Anyone remember what year the UPT commitment went from 8 to 10 yrs? Seems like there should be a two year window in the future when there will be dramatically less people getting out.
I'm pretty sure that those that graduated USAFA and ROTC in May / June 99 were the last of the 8 year commitments. OTS inputs and those that were already on active duty have slightly different rules.
FY 2000 grads were the lucky first ones to get the 10 yr. I am a perfect example. I graduated in Dec 1999 after 4 1/2 years of school and got the ten year as opposed to my classmates who graduated in May 1999 and got the 8 year. That extra 6 months put me into the next fiscal year and cost me 2 extra years in commitment. The funny thing was that my original contract said 8 years for UPT'ers but they made me cross it out and replace the 8 with a 10 before they would let me go to UPT (Two years after I originally signed the contract). I would be tempted to raise a big stink if I hadn't been approved for Palace Chase. I think even some of the students in my UPT class had the 8 yr still.
Just for some perspective (or maybe not): The CG (I know, it in no way compares to the AF!) has had a 10 year obligation for flight training (for Academy grads) for years. 5 for the Academy plus 5 for flight, not to run concurently. I think its up to 7 additional now. The government has to get its investment back somehow.
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