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update from NJA ? Hiring soon?

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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2002
Hey --

Just thought that Iwould let everyone know that I received an email from NETJETS today wanting an update on me... Kind of interesting -- are they going to start hiring soon?
What I have heard is there is going to be very few new hires this year. In 04 they are forcasting for 250 new hires.

This is subject to change. But that is good news....for now.
NJA Hiring

At recurrent a few weeks ago, the Assistant Chief Pilot said no more hiring this year. No definitive word for next year, tho! Good luck.
update form?


The update form was sent out a couple of weeks ago. I applied over a yr. ago and this the first thing that i have heard from them. What can we expect next and in what kind of time frame -- (best guess, of course)...

Not to dash any hopes but....... I also received an email to update my application. I received the same email 6 or 7 months ago. I do believe those receiving the email update are maybe in the short stack and it is just the time to update. I hope but from what little I know the hiring will not start for several months and probably will be early 04. Less hope it is sooner than later. Good luck to all that are looking for a job.
2004 hiring

I received another email to follow up on all this and in that email is suggested that they might start scheduling interviews in the late fall of this year... So, that is a little good news. It appears that the light at the end of the tunnel is getting a little brighter!

Stay in touch!

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