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Upcoming ASA interview

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New member
Sep 28, 2002
I am currently furloughed from AMR, and have an interview scheduled with ASA next week. For me ASA, has always been the "moon shot." I am requesting input and information on the ASA process, and gouge, as it were, here from CURRENT ASA pilots, or those who have sucessfully interviewed with ASA. I am current, and have been OTS one year. For current pilots, please respond via the ALPA national board under job information, and you can see my post there, and for those not yet in the ALPA system, a response here would be great. I would like to thank those pilots who are helping out an OTS pilot. I am local to the ATL area.

Many thanks.
PM me. and I'll give you any info I can.

What do you mean by "Moon shot?"

I also have an interview coming up and have been studying the gouge and friends who recently interviewed. By far the best info is on aviation interviews.com. it is a free website and very current.The basics i will sum up to you are: 2 day interview

1st day=sim ride at flightsaftey and a basic 1 on 1 interview with the sim instructor reviewing your most recent plane systems, basic weather,questions like speed limits in airspace/holding

2nd day= everyone comes back at 745am to given a letter of thanks please hang around, or no thanks see yah, company overview, 30 question multi choice written covering mostly AIM and 121 regs,another interview with one on one,covering HR and technical, drug test, very laid back from everyone I talk to, SIM ride is basic Instrument skills from right seat

My day is Oct16th/17th, would this be yours too?

I can't wait
I am on that website, I am just looking for THAT information to be confirmed from other sources, to confirm that THAT information is right on. But any further info would be most appreciative.

Consider this a confirmation that the info on aviation interviews is right on. As well as what Medeco metioned. Between the info ASA sends you and the Gouge there should be no surprises.
Thanks folks

Kind regards

"If an examiner wants to know technical information from you, chime back by asking why Radio shack asks for your phone number when buying AA batteries." Hey, I worked for AMR, there are no other kinds of batteries."

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