The following article was realesed about the movie:
Nearly five years after the attacks, there is fierce debate over whether it is too soon for Hollywood to provide its take on the events. The coming attractions for the movie upset some theatergoers. The message board on the film's Web site includes several angry postings, including one that begins, "This movie should never have been made." When will it ever be right? It will never be right yet it happened and it will always be apart of American History. And to hide behind it would do a terrable disgrace to our Country and to those who parished in the attacks of 9-11-2001. After seeing this movie (it was much like a documentary) I feel they did a good job in telling what went on during this time of deep agony, disbelief, and dispare. Yet we forget that those on board Flight 93 are heroes. Why not pay tribute to what they did to save thousands of other lives that could have been lost had that plane made it to its target (US Capitol or White House)? This movie does just that. It is approiate to realese and its timing is correct. In order to heal, you must learn from past mistakes and in order to move on, you must celebarte the lives of those lost. Not hide behind a curtian. The famlies of those lost agreed that the timing was good and they agreed to share thier thoughts and experineces in helping create this movie.
Nearly five years after the attacks, there is fierce debate over whether it is too soon for Hollywood to provide its take on the events. The coming attractions for the movie upset some theatergoers. The message board on the film's Web site includes several angry postings, including one that begins, "This movie should never have been made." When will it ever be right? It will never be right yet it happened and it will always be apart of American History. And to hide behind it would do a terrable disgrace to our Country and to those who parished in the attacks of 9-11-2001. After seeing this movie (it was much like a documentary) I feel they did a good job in telling what went on during this time of deep agony, disbelief, and dispare. Yet we forget that those on board Flight 93 are heroes. Why not pay tribute to what they did to save thousands of other lives that could have been lost had that plane made it to its target (US Capitol or White House)? This movie does just that. It is approiate to realese and its timing is correct. In order to heal, you must learn from past mistakes and in order to move on, you must celebarte the lives of those lost. Not hide behind a curtian. The famlies of those lost agreed that the timing was good and they agreed to share thier thoughts and experineces in helping create this movie.