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United and Continental Q3 Profits.

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Seriously, take you head out of your butt and check you pay register for February 2008. Every pilot (but you apparently) received a profit sharing check. Our profit sharing check for this February will be about half of what the February 2008 check was. Or...you can keep denying reality and posting inaccurate information.

This February's check would be about twice as much if pilots were still under the old plan, maybe even more depending on the amount of profit.

In classic abusive relationship fashion, the company has made the pilots postively grateful to now get half of what they were getting before, with many of them actually becoming apologists for this degradation.

This is identical to C02 when 58% were grateful to (supposedly) not lose their jobs or pensions in return for gutted work rules and lower pay--and walk away feeling like they had just won the lottery.
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It was also a conspiracy between every airline to lose money the past two years and all make money this year to ultimately screw CAL pilots. Take off the tinfoil hat, dude.
Conspiracy theory? The sunsetting of the pilots' profit sharing plan was not an act of God nor of the negotiator on the grassy knoll. This item was negotiated. Do you think the pilots just offered out of the blue to end it part way through the contract? Why would it not just be a permanent part of the contract until a new one is signed?

The company didn't want to take the chance that when the industry turned around, which was as certain as the business cycle itself, that they'd have to pay a good chunk of money to the pilots. They got their way. Ok, so they paid a small profit in 2008, but the 2010 payout will be substantially smaller with the company's plan even though the profit this year will be through the roof.

As for the hat, I'm hoping the new policy will not require them to be worn, tinfoil or otherwise.
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