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UnFreakin' Real

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The Man
Nov 27, 2001
To all you yes voters who allowed ALPA, MGT and other pilots to convince you about this trophy and carrot...

You should all go to MESA and as part of your interviews tell them that you would be willing to give up more money if MESA will get more growth.

Full Pay till the Last Day. Not going to happen since Yes voters screwed the 30% club.
Hey man i understand your anger, but what comes around goes around. It is a popular time to talk the talk but the walk is sometimes hard to manage. Jobs are short but the bills just keep coming. When the economy rebounds and it's the pilots turn then you can sit back and watch management beg. The real trophy is having a job, and the carrot, is carefully biding our time for just the right moment.
It's that kind of mentality, that allows MGMT. to take yours and my hard earned pennies away. "Just be glad we have jobs" will not go into the mortgage envelope with enough left over to pay the other bills. What we had just a few months ago, was hard earned during the most explosive airline growth in history. If you think we will be back there anytime soon, well good luck, rice,beans and top ramen will get old after a couple of years for you too.
Good luck
Oh yeh,
It was our time, and now MGMT got 10+ years of hard earned gains back in a few months. By the time "our" time comes again the current contracts will still be in effect and we will still have these crappy contracts, once again missing the boat.
Sound bitter, nah just sad that so many succumb to the fear so quickly.
I'm gonna go to bed now, in the house I bought 21 years ago during better times. Hope your air mattress has no leaks, your 3 room-mates(fellow pilots) don't snore, and that pot of beans in the crashpad refrig. doesn't get empty too quickly.
Best to all
taxiboss said:
Hey man i understand your anger, but what comes around goes around. It is a popular time to talk the talk but the walk is sometimes hard to manage. Jobs are short but the bills just keep coming. When the economy rebounds and it's the pilots turn then you can sit back and watch management beg. The real trophy is having a job, and the carrot, is carefully biding our time for just the right moment.

Your mgmt's best friend, they rely on your mentality to keep the bar from rising (ouch, your decision to vote YES is starting to sting eh!!) BTW I believe in the supply/demand principle which would lead someone to believe we're going to make our mext move in the upturn, HOWEVER ACA is potentially locked into to 2008-2010. Sounds like we'll be just in time for the next downturn.....company be'atch again.....f 'ng pathetic.

Voted NO
Looks like another MESA guys spewing SH@T! Where do these guys come from? We need to keep them from breeding.
Hey man i understand your anger, but what comes around goes around. It is a popular time to talk the talk but the walk is sometimes hard to manage. Jobs are short but the bills just keep coming.

Grow some ba11s man. Do you really think that this is the first time airline pilots were faced with this situation? The men of days past stood up and did what had to be done. Thank God for them, too bad nobody today will stand up. Bills? Worse comes to worst, take a JOB while on strike. WHAT? Work?!! No way not me! It's fly or nothing for me. These hands were not made for labor.
Being that the majority of the yes came from the younger group, it just shows that the work ethic is gone. Anything MGT wants, just don't scare me or make me work hard for once in my life. So what if we are getting it up the chute....let's just blame Mesa for it. Let's give they're pilots a ration of he11 for it.
You did the same thing they did. So don't complain later.
I agree 100% with the last post. Exept the last part if that was directed at me you are way off base. I have stood up for what is right for this country on foriegn soil and I and the rest of my peers are standing up for what is right at Chautauqua. We will walk if it comes to that. I pray that it doesnt.

As for MESA our company has even mentioned them in negotiations. They do deserve the flames that they get.
Capt America said:
I have stood up for what is right for this country on foriegn soil and I and the rest of my peers are standing up for what is right at Chautauqua.

I can't decide whether to salute or drop my pants and send off a flare.
Drop your pants man, seems like everyone else is....

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